Saturday, June 30, 2012

Brave Review

So, we went to see the new flick from Disney/Pixar this week.  Here's my thoughts on it. Brave is not a bad movie.  It looks gorgeous and does everything that you expect Disney and Pixar to bring to the table, great sound, top shelf voice acting, and a wholesome story that attempts to pull at the strings to you heart.  Brave does all that just fine. The thing about Brave is it doesn't stick with you the way that most other works from Pixar does.  As cute and fun as the movie is it just doesn't leave me overly excited about watching the movie again or with overly fond memories and a feeling of having just watched a movie that gave me something I haven't seen before.  It's cute, it's often funny and you have kids it is a probably going to be the movie to see of the summer (assuming your kids aren't ready for The Avengers or Spiderman) but in all honesty the main thing I took from the movie was the lesson that if my mother pisses me off it is ok for me to have a witch transform her into a bear.

Star Wars Fun

The Amazingly Weird Shaped Head

Seriously her head looks weird and her eyes all screwed up.

Awesome Comic Panels 103

McDonalds Cosplay?

Um, do you get fries with that? Can I at least get 3 apple pies.

I Don't Care Today

Waka Waka


I want this painted on at least one building in every major city. 

One Boom Box To Rule Them All

Ok, maybe two boom boxs

Death StarBQ

This might be the best reason to sit outside ever. 

Awesome Comic Panels 102

Eat Elbow Gungan!

Pew Pew Pew Pew Avengers

Awesome Comic Panels 101

Best Headline Ever!

Famous Last Words.

French Wine Topper Wins

Nope, not a big wine drinker but who wouldn't want something awesome like this around the house? 

Random Star Wars Ladies

Yep, Random Star Wars Chicks. Feel the power of the force!!

DareDevil Art

I Need This Book

Holy shit! This book covers Dos! Gonna need this post haste!!

Some Awesome Sketch Art

I didn't sketch these but they are pretty awesome so check it out.

Awesome Comic Panels 100

Best Avengers Cosplay

I don't know what I like more, The Hulk or the Iron Man costume made out of liquor boxes.

Awesome Comic Panels 41

The Safety Word Is Doc

More of that Disney family value stuff.  I never trusted that Snow White chick.

Please Read the Posted Signs

For this week's Please Read the Posted Signs, A "SPECIAL EDITION"!



Our guest "LOONY" for today is.....

From one of my many interviews at the Comic Cons, The "MR SLAW SHOW"! Damn near forgotten. You remember how the game goes Readers.

Count how many times, YOU, THE READERS, CAN SEE ME . . .

Well did you “SPOT THE

Friday, June 29, 2012

Fleshlight Theme Park?

Seriously if there is a fleshlight theme park out there I want to go. I bet they have the most amazing roller coasters, and maybe a tilt-a-whirl.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Tyranosaurus Bat

Batman + Dino = Win

Avengers Bra's Assemble!

Ok it's only a drawing, but I would buy the Iron Man bra in a second for my lady.

Bacon Beer Girl Will Conquer

A bikini made out of PBR cans, a shield mad of bacon, and a sword made from more beer cans. This girl has the right idea on how to dress for the day.

Interview: Leslie and Deborah - Part 3

Sorry to say this is our last installment of our interview with Leslie and Deborah. It is sad to have to end this series, but we can say that we are all now more educated on the back stage antics of Cutter on the TV Series and Movies.

Here are their final questions and words of wisdom to us all:

When approaching a design (either existing or brand new), what are some of the factors one should

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Black Widow With a Stegosaur

Ain't that cute? Yeah it sorta is. 

Iron Man Poster

This just looks awesome. And melty

Interview: Leslie and Deborah - Part 2

Here is our second part of our Interview with the Costume People - Leslie and Deborah. I will have one more installment tomorrow to finish up the series.

Lets not dilly-dally and get to this next part of the interview.

Is it easier working on costume designs for a period piece over a more modern tale?

From the perspective of cutting and assembling garments it’s much the same whether it be

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

This kid has the right idea

Ok Hector, start on department store mannequins now so by the time you're a teenager you know what you're doing! That's my boy.

Interview: Leslie and Deborah - Part 1

I am really excited to have both these lovely ladies take the time for this interview. I felt that their experiences would be something that would be of interest to our cosplay community. A kind of back stage pass if you will to how the costumes are created for the shows many of us watch.

This will also be our first of a multi-part interview. Due to the complexity of answers, it would be too

Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Anime Avengers Do Sit Ups

So what if they are all the wrong gender and The Hulk is the smallest of the group, aren't these all just mundane details?

Venom vs Spiderman

Just another comic character that I loved reading. Venom is awesome.

Captain Canada!

Because when it comes to countries that kick ass the front runner always has and always will be Canada!!

AT-AT Walker

Check this out, now you can chase those damn kids off your lawn with the conviction of an imperial fleet! If only it played the imperial march while you walked.

Geisha inspired make-up and hair

Pictures by: Jan Doef

Nena the model asked me if I could do her hair and make-up for a geisha inspired look.
I tried to keep the look soft, so it would look dreamy.

For the foundation I used Barry M. in white.
I got it here:
For powder I used the white powder from Manic Panic.
The eyeshadow is by Biotherm it is a very pretty red.

For this shot I loosened her hair so she would look more seductive.

Here you can see the details of her hair, It is her own and some fake hair.