Friday, April 3, 2009

Does Limbaugh Offer Any Solution To Unions?

“Do you want to accept the conditions in the workplace as is no matter what or do you want to work to change them?” Rush Limbaugh, 12/19/08.

Rush was speaking about an incident from his broadcasting past in which a station owner told him to stop saying the word ‘therefore’ and a caller, Faith, had posed a question about unions to him.

“Unions are not the answer [we should] support the American worker.”

Unions began in the spirit of supporting the American worker.

Bringing us child labor laws and safer workplaces.

If any Republican agenda includes removal of unions from our country should include some kind of solution to the workers who would lose representation. Without an alternate outside of the ‘let the market handle it’ mentality to the issue of the UAW, the GOP is proving that they do not support the American worker

How exactly do you go about changing the conditions in the workplace without any kind of representation?

Rush has completely lost his ability to decry unions as the source of all corruption as a union that strikes into thousands of American homes comes in danger of dissolving with dire consequences, and still he wants the auto bailout to die in the Senate.

I question if any core GOP member or Rush-type even cares about this country beyond just a place to tout to their ideals.

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