Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Daily Show: Lou Dobbs and Jon Stewart

(Daily Show Lou Dobbs and Jon Stewart)
Jon Stewart:

"Why do they always catch up to their fears in Democratic administrations?"

"It feels like all these people who want limited government, just want government limited to Republicans."

Well there it is. Lou Dobbs and Jon Stewart hit upon the central issue guiding politics today.

If these "fears about Obama" are so legitimate then why were these people feeling so secure under Bush?

These cries for "limited government" only come from the right wing when we speak of helping Americans and bettering our people. They care not if you expand the government under the call for national security reasons, or for war-making abroad.

Jon Stewart begs the question why everyone's "hair caught on fire" to Lou Dobbs, but I'm sure he knows the answer. Barack Obama, regardless of his record or his words, is what happened. After about two days in office every person on the right wing of politics (it seems) made it their personal goal to destroy him with every vile tactic they could think of. They threw their pride as Americans away and replaced it with bigotry and hatred for America.

Lou Dobbs is very much a danger like Glenn Beck in that he promotes the same wild anti-government myths and rather than approaching it rationally he just begs the question of ambigouity over the whole matter.

Dobbs calls it "advocacy journalism," I'd call it manufactured alarmism for the sake of political gain.

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