Wednesday, July 27, 2011 of the Minute: Marihenny Rivera @ New York Models

As one of the stars of Resort season Marihenny Passible made a splash walking for Vuitton and YSL. With her phenomenal figure and striking resemblance to a certain supermodel, the Dominican newcomer is already racking up choice bookings and garnering the attention of all the right insiders. MDC caught up with the very busy Marihenny, to discuss her start in the business and those inevitable Naomi comparisons.

MDC: Where are you from originally?

Marihenny: Dominican Republic.

MDC: There are so many great models from the Dominican Republic!

Marihenny: Yes, I know, a lot of girls are from there. New York is so different though, it takes some getting used to. At home there are a hundred models, but here you have thousands all going after the same goal. Plus the weather here: the changes can be so strong!

MDC: So how were you discovered?

Marihenny: I started when I was a child. My father was a model, and my mother was as well.

MDC: So you come from a family of models!

Marihenny: Yes! When I was 14 years old, I told my mother I wanted to start modeling and she said okay, but at the time I didn’t really know what modeling was. I knew about the industry but didn’t know much about how it worked. I did a photo session with a photographer and he said “She has something Naomi Campbell about her face” and I was like really?

MDC: What is it like being compared to someone like that?

Marihenny: It is exciting! She is one of the models that is an icon and everyone loves her, so to even be mentioned in the same space is wonderful. Last year I was working with a test photographer and he had me act a bit like her – do some classic Naomi poses. I actually have one picture at home of me throwing a phone! She’s one of my favorites though and it is an honor to be compared to her. I also love Agyness Deyn, she’s really great and so friendly.

MDC: This is a year of firsts for you.

Marihenny: I was so shy at first. This year was my first real season – first flight out of my country, first time away from my family. I was like, ok I have to stop being shy and act like a woman.

MDC: You were in so many great shows for resort – how did you like that experience?

Marihenny: I loved it, there was so much happening and so many new things to experience. It did make me nervous at times, at YSL I was the only black girl in the show and I felt a bit of pressure, but I loved it. I love walking down the runway, you feel so different when you’re all dressed up for the show. It takes you to a whole new place and you just feel so special and unique.

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