Saturday, September 15, 2012

Cuz me so random

Good day everybody!
I was looking around on my computer and found some picture I took a long time ago. I thought, why not share them. I took them with my crappy nikon camera.

Here are some from like a month ago. You can tell by the nice bright weather. I miss the summer already, but heeeeeeeeeey, winter is coming soon. Can't wait for the holidays to start again..

 The zoom on this camera is not so bad tho. As you can see on the picture before this one, I was sitting on my balcony and zoomed in from that spot.

 I like the water drops on the leaves. Makes me think of tropical rain forests ^_^.

 A cool feature on my camera. You can choose whatever color you want and it pops out in the shot.

 LOL. Fake crocs I use them to walk around the house yesyes.

 All those shots were made with my nikon coolpix. It has all those features you see in the pictures.

This was my package send by Large. I ordered this: look HERE. Scroll down for a bit and you will see.

I enjoy drinking green tea. It is healthy, helps cleansing your body, has antioxidants and mucho more! 

My favorite mug. I bought this at Tsunacon. An anime convention here in Holland. Next year I will be going too ^_^.

It's from the anime/manga NANA. I've got a lot of manga's an DVD boxes from it. It's such a good anime/manga, I would recommend you to go and watch it :).

 More randomness. What you see are all torn pages from magazines and stuff of pictures that I like. I put the ones I like most in my scrapbook. I will keep you updated with it soon. Look at my scrapbook HERE. It was on the same post as my ordered clothes lol.
 Oh, my gosh. I almost never wear heels, but I bought them at Primark. They were so cheap and looked so nice! But I can hardly walk on them x_x. I am practicing tho hahaha. Sometimes I put them on and walk through my house until I am pro enough to use them outside.

Bought this too. They support you when walking in heels. So it hurts less I think lolol. Also bought it at Primark.

 As for this ring, FREAKING CHEAP! But so gorgeous. I really love the details on the side and the color of the stone. (Primark)

My favorite pair of shoes! I bought those creepers at New Look. I have never been there.... They sell for really affordable prices and I never knew about that store!!! (I know I am a n0000b)

They were like 35 euros. Not bad! They also walk very comfortable.

Enough with my randomness for today. More to come :3 Soon my second part of the Abunai post will be posted with more info and stuff. Also the video of part two will be uploaded on youtube. It has taken too long already..

Thanks for reading and have a nice day :) bubaaay!

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