Monday, March 4, 2013

stars, sex and nudity buzz : 03/05/2013

Shiri Appleby on Playing Adam’s New Love Interest on Girls

Ever since Hannah dumped Adam, he has spent most of Girls season two in various states of post-breakup mopiness. Last night, he finally got out of his funk and went on a blind date with Natalia, played by Shiri Appleby (Roswell, Life Unexpected). Natalia comes to Adam by way of her mother (Carol Kane), who meets Adam at an AA meeting and sets them up. We don’t know much about his new love interest yet, except that she works as a femme fatale decoy for a private eye and still owns a landline. What we do know is that Adam hasn’t looked this happy since, well, ever. So is this a rebound relationship, or is it the real deal? Will Hannah melt down in multiples of eight when she finally meets Natalia? We spoke to Appleby, who will be sticking around for at least the final two episodes, about Adam Sackler's datability and Adam Driver's sweet side. (She and Driver bonded briefly over the fact that they're both newly engaged. That's right, fan girls: Driver is off the market.) 

I read that you shadowed a director on Girls. Is that what led to your getting the role?
Yeah, I came out to New York to shadow Jesse Peretz, who actually directed [last night’s] episode. And I’m friendly with Jenni Konner — she set it up for me. Then when I was out there shadowing, they asked me if I would do the show.

So you first went in because you were interested in directing?
Yeah. I was wanting to direct, so you have to start shadowing on shows to show the studios and networks — it’s kind of like doing an internship, basically. And I was curious about the difference of how [Girls] — something that’s winning Emmys and Golden Globes — put their show together, versus other things on television.

How did you get the role? Were you just in the right place at the right time?
Yeah, Lena was like, “Oh, do you wanna come in and play someone on the show?” I was like, “Yeah, of course." What actor wouldn’t wanna be on the show? And then, a few days later, Jenni e-mailed me and asked me, and I did a table read with the entire cast. Afterward, I walked out of the table read and into the bathroom and Lena followed me and said, “All right, let’s do this!”

What was your first impression of Adam?
I met him on set one day when I was shadowing, and I was kind of like a fan going, “Oh my God, there he is!” We didn’t really talk too much. The first time we talked was at the table read, because when you’re shadowing you just wanna be invisible. You’re not really interacting or disrespecting anybody’s process.

Little did you know he would be your future onscreen boyfriend. Is he anything at all like his character? He doesn’t do a ton of press, so I’m curious.
I think he’s just fantastic. We got along really, really well. He’s just a really nice guy. He’s focused on the job and he didn’t seem weird or creepy to me. [Laughs.] He was just a gentleman. Like the first day we were working together, he knocked on my trailer door and he came in and was like, “I hear you’re engaged.” I was like, “Yeah, I am.” He’s like, “So am I.” It was just kind of very easy and he made me feel really safe. I never felt grossed out or anything.

When I heard his character was getting a new girlfriend, I felt a little protective of the girl in advance. But Natalia warms up to him right off the bat. What does she see in him on that first date?
They just kind of connect and they have this ability to be very relaxed with each other. I think when you’re on a date with anyone, especially on a blind date, if you can just get along and have something to talk to the other person about, that’s attractive. So I think just the fact that they enjoy each other’s company when they first meet endears them to each other. And then as it goes on, it changes for different reasons.

Natalia’s mom is loopy. I’m wondering if the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
I mean, there’s not a lot of Carol Kane in my character.

So she’s more grounded than her mother?
Yes, I would think so.

But it’s basically her job to use her looks to deceive men. Is that something we should be concerned about for Adam?
I think she is grounded. She’s definitely a person who says what she feels right away. She lives in the moment. When things don’t feel right, she’s able to speak up.

Hannah is not in a great state in this episode, and it’s triggered by Adam. Is there a meeting coming up between Hannah and Natalia?
[Lena and I] never worked together. We never worked together during the season.

It seems from the preview that you get at least one sex scene, though.
There is some sex.

Is it as awkward as it was between Adam and Hannah? Is Adam similar, or is he a different lover?
I don’t think he’s able to completely be a different person with Natalia. He is who he is. I don’t wanna give anything away, but yeah, it’s not ascrazy as some of the things we’ve seen him do before.

Does he meet his match in your character?
Um, I don’t wanna give anything away. I don’t wanna get in trouble! I’d like to come back.

When you watch the show, are you glad to be out of your twenties? [She's 34.]
I loved my twenties, but like in the episode where she’s with Patrick Wilson for the weekend, you remember guys that you met and hung out with for short periods of time that were like these little movies themselves. It really captured that fleeting relationship where you’d meet a guy on Friday and spend a weekend with him and on Monday morning you’d be like, “Who was that person?” And you’d never see them again. You say things to that person that you’d never say to anyone else. But I’m happy that I’m done with my twenties. It was tiring! It’s kind of nice not to be so worried and confused and out on my own.

I heard you might be writing a book about dating. Is that true?
I have, but I don’t know if anything is gonna come of it. It was a fun experience. It was really about finding my voice as a writer and putting it all down.

Having thought about dating a lot, what would you say about Adam? Is he the kind of guy that girls should give a chance? Or is he a red flag?
He’s in AA and talking about his issues. I mean, you have to give somebody a chance to get to know them and see who they present themselves as. He’s definitely datable. You never know who someone’s gonna become with the right woman in their life.

Thanks for posting that Shiri Appleby article. I Marked my calendar and made some popcorn. Let the countdown begin. Like always Shiri gives the best interviews even when she does not want to give a anything away. As much as the guy in me wants to see the goods I hope she shows us more then just skin. I want her to have lots of lines (she did not have that many lines/scenes this week) and gets some recognition for her role. 

I want her to come back next season or land another job. How about a lead role in a show that last for many seasons and wins her awards. If she wants to be a mommy for while I am down with that. I love how she mentions that theres some sex. She still keeps us in suspense as to what we will or won't see. She does not deny the nude scenes but does not go into detail about them either. Her tiny boobs need to come out for air. It's time for the coming out party. I am still loving that bikini pic. I don't think I've ever seen her in a bikini
except for on TV in Baywatch and Movie Stars and the BTS feature from Undertow. 

BTW Shiri will be doing a Girls Q-and-A on 3/11/13. You can ask her questions at the following link.

Earlbny, you dog! LOL. Nice and precise questions for Shiri. Hope it doesn't put her off - relating to nudity - after Seth MacFarlane kicked up a storm with that stupid song.


Up-and-coming indie director and all round girl next door Emily Hagins is going through with her nude art show at SXSW despite some reservations from loved ones.

Original article

From anonymous source:
Some inside information on the whole Emily Hagins thing:

It definitely seems to be happening.

SXSW has ramped up on security though as they don't want pics of Emily to leak against their control
and their consent first which is silly because pics have got to leak of Emily, right?

Also, Emily seems to be having second thoughts about going all gonzo nude. Initially she really wanted to but apparently has lost a few friends in the process and her mom is not fond of the idea herself and now is doubting herself, as I assume most young nudity first timers do though I am assured Emily WILL go through with it, she just doesn't want the photos to leak by anyone but her people (at least she knows it's inevitable that the photos will leak and we'll all see her pretty pussy and tits by festival's end).

Any thoughts on what you think she will look like and how long she will be naked during her appearance?

I'm also wondering if a strip tease from Emily will be possible lol.


I'll get more info when I can....

Thanks for the latest info. Brave girl to say the least. I understand if she is doing it to raise profile of herself to the world, announcing the arrival of an avant-garde film-maker but what is your opinion? I feel there is more to Emily's initial motivation. Is she is a closet exhibitionist? What is the theme of the arts installation?
Don’t think she will go for full bald. Probably with thick pubic hair. Almost B-sized tits. Heavy makeover to hide her real face?

Guys, please…please refrain from asking Emily about it on her twitter. We don’t want to discourage her.

Another reminder:  This is what you can do if you're planning to drop in on SXSW to catch couple of flicks. Head over to Emily's booth, one hand on your cell phone and if possible, take a few discreet (please be careful) pics of Emily (in all her full-frontal glory) and forward it to me so I can post it on the blog.

From anonymous source:
Hello again, just got word from my "inside source" that, with SXSW being held this weekend, they had a run-through of the art installation last night for the heads and VIPs of The festival.

He told me Emily was very nervous about it, scared of her body being judged and picked apart. The other 2 girls who are going to be involved weren't in town yet so it was just Emily "performing" for the SXSW VIPs who I am told are mostly men, a few of which were sporting noticeable hard-ons.

There's still no decision on whether Emily will be stripping or not in the actual show but she began this warm-up clad in a bra and granny panties (further cementing her girl next door status). She then took off her bra and panties revealing her breasts and bush. Yes, Emily is one for the bush lovers. Natural and thick, I'm told it's lovely. She then turned around and shook her firm ass and then said "I'm so fucking nervous".

Anyway, that's it for now.

I don't personally think she's an exhibitionist, she's just a sweet girl who is doing something courageous and should be applauded for it.

She recently tweeted she's single.

I don't know about you but I assume that single status won't be for long.

I would personally fuck the shit out of her. She's adorable :)

More info when I can get it. Any more thoughts? Think she's gonna get a lot of cocks hard after this stunt?

I'd fuck her raw.... ;)

Don't get my hopes high, man. On verge of having a heart attack reading your description. Sorry for doubting you but just not sure if you yanking my chain for a big laugh at my expense. Not a single peep on her twitter. Usually chicks this nervous will post cryptic messages. Just one pic of Emily in the buff will make my day. Try to persuade your source to send in a photo. Even if it was grainy I will be happy.

Emily Hagins (MY SUCKY TEEN ROMANCE) | SXSW FILM 2011 Interview


My Sucky Video Pitch


Emily Hagins, My Sucky Teen Romance, IndieGoGo Party



Geena Davis Calls Out Seth MacFarlane's "Disrespect for Women" During Oscars Ceremony

by Natalie Finn
2013 Oscars Show, Seth MacFarlane, Geena Davis 
Geena Davis just gave this year's Oscars ceremony her seal of disapproval.

"It's a shame that that triumph was enveloped in an awards ceremony containing disrespect for women," the Thelma and Louise star and Academy Award winner for The Accidental Tourist told California State Assembly members today in Sacramento.

"But it helps illustrate how tone-deaf we can still be regarding the status of women," she added.

Sounds like someone didn't find "We Saw Your Boobs" much of a hoot.

Davis was chosen last year to chair the California Commission on the Status of Women and Girls, which focuses on gender equality as a socio-political and economic issue, and was in the state capital as one of 11 women being honored for their contributions to the cause.

"I might say, after last Sunday's Academy Awards, we need you more than ever," Sen. Hannah-Beth Jackson told Davis today. Jackson coauthored a letter to the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences with a fellow female lawmaker, denouncing what they felt was host Seth MacFarlane's repeated degrading comments about women, from "We Saw Your Boobs" to his crack about the female attendees giving themselves the flu to fit into their dresses.

The Academy defended MacFarlane's hosting job, replying in a statement, "If the Oscars are about anything, they're about creative freedom. We think the show's producers Craig Zadan and Neil Meron, and host Seth MacFarlane did a great job and we hope our worldwide audience found the show entertaining."

Ironically, Davis was once the target of one of Family Guy's typically random celebrity slams.

"What ever happened to Geena Davis?" Stewie, voiced by MacFarlane, inquires of his brother Chris in the 2005 episode "Petarded." "She used to be in movies, but she's not in movies anymore. She's attractive enough, but when she smiles you see too much gum. Not a good tooth-to-gum ratio."


Who's Eleanor Tomlinson? 

By Juliana June Rasul

ENGLAND - Who's that girl?

This leggy 20-year-old English lass comes from an acting family - her dad Malcolm is a TV actor and horse-racing commentator in the UK and her younger brother Ross is an actor.

Where you've seen her
She's landed bit parts in big films, like Alice's bully Fiona in Tim Burton's 2010 Alice In Wonderland remake and playing the younger version of Jessica Biel's Sophie in 2006's The Illusionist.

Why her?
We've been missing English beauties in films. Hollywood tends to look further afield (to Australia, for example) for young, pretty female talent. Tomlinson, with her youthful, rosy-cheeked glow and surprising maturity could be the next Kate Winslet.

What's new?
In Jack The Giant Slayer, Tomlinson plays feisty princess Isabelle, who chafes at the constraints of royal life and goes against her well-meaning but clueless royal father's wish for her to marry cunning adviser Roderick (Stanley Tucci).
Farmer Jack (Nicholas Hoult) falls for her and ends up being her knight in shining armour - she already has one, the bumbling Elmont (Ewan McGregor) - when his magic seeds turn into beanstalks that allow giants to enter from a different world to wreak havoc. 

On being told by her actor dad not to act
"He knows what the industry is like; he knows how competitive it is, and he knows how difficult and how heartbreaking it can be. I guess he just thought, 'Come on, just do something else'. "It's so hard to make it in this industry. If you think about how many people there are who dream of being an actor, I feel extremely lucky to be where I am and it's amazing that I've got this far."

On finding inspiration for her role as a princess
"I looked to people like (Duchess of Cambridge) Kate Middleton. Obviously, it's a different medium, but Kate is trailed all the time by paparazzi and can't walk out the door without security. "Isabelle is followed by these guardians - even if one of them is Ewan McGregor - and it's restricting and infuriating."

On not watching herself in films
"I hate hearing my voice, it just makes me (makes gagging noise). I think I sound like Charlize Theron, but I don't."


It's time to bust the DD boob myth

Most women still don't own a bra which properly fits them 100 years on since the undergarment was invented. But why? Emma Barnett attends 'Boob School' and learns about the 'DD myth' that refuses to die.

Katie Price says her boobs are size 32DD.
Balconette, strapless, plunge, full cup, half cup – this bra business is complicated stuff. And yet, despite all of the options (design and style) out there, the majority of British women are still walking around wearing the wrong sized-bra.

One hundred years on from the brassiere’s creation, most women are getting it wrong because they either don’t get measured properly, are shy, can’t be bothered, or are deliberately wearing the wrong size as they cannot possibly fathom being larger than a DD – the default cup for all glamour models so it seems.

Bravissimo, the bra company for ladies with a slightly larger bosom, have decided to take breasts by the straps (so to speak) with the launch of the slightly frightening and hilarious-sounding ‘Boob School’, which opens today in their stores across the UK, and virtually via the company’s website and a Facebook app.

It’s mission? To fit women with the correct size bra for once and for all – as well as actually teaching them during an in-depth cubicle session - what style suits them and how to measure themselves.

Now for those women with smaller breasts (who are in my mind blessed), you probably won’t have even got this far into my piece as you’ll be wondering what all the fuss is about. But the self confidence boost and health benefits of actually finding a decent (and shock, horror, pretty) hoist, (read bra) in which to contain your mounds of mammary, cannot and should not be underestimated.

Moreover, you have no idea how lucky you are that most shops cater for your small-breasted needs. I will never forget during my attempt to find ‘something special for my wedding night’, how one particular luxury underwear brand’s moody saleswoman spoke to me when I dared to inquire if their basques came in a cup size larger than a B. She looked at me as if I was from planet big boob with such pity and primly replied: “No – we don’t stock those types of sizes.” Harrumph indeed, as I sloped off to Myla and enjoyed my version of a Pretty Woman shopping moment.

No other item of clothing is neglected in such a routine way than the all important brassiere is. You wouldn’t wear the wrong-sized shoes would you? Boobs, like feet, need support, attention and to be housed comfortably and hopefully stylishly too.

Instead most women are regularly committing one of the seven common boob faux pas
1. The side boob - created by a bra’s wires in the cup sitting on the breast, causing it to spill out to the side, rather than on a woman’s rib cage.
2. The quadraboob - made by bras which are too tight that make the breast spill over the top of the cup giving the impression of four boobs.
3. The high rider - which is where the back of the bra is too loose and rides up.
Geri Halliwell sporting a high rider bra
4. The big stand off – where the front of the bra doesn’t fit on the sternum.
5. The super drooper - when bra fails to provide enough support.
6. Saggy cups – too much fabric in the bra creates wrinkly cups.
7. The ledge – when the bra causes over uplift making the breasts look like a shelf.
According to Laura Meneaud, Bravissimo’s human resources and customer service director, most women think it’s fine not to invest the time, energy and money into getting the right bra “because no one can see it” (of course other than your significant other – but then most women don’t care about that either it seems…)
“The bra is an undergarment. It is not necessarily going to be seen. It I wore a grubby skirt, it would be seen by everyone and judged - but a bra won’t be. A lot of women are also nervous in their own body and are too shy to go for a proper fitting,” she explains.

Being a good reporter, I duly pop along to ‘Boob School’ for a preview and I am informed by my lovely fitter, Anne Squire, that most women and shop fitters still use an outdated measuring technique, which leads to the wrong-sized bras being bought. “In the days before Lycra, women were measured for bras with a tape measure around their midriff and then they would add four inches so there was some give.

“However people are still using that method today, which is just wrong, as it doesn’t allow for an accurate volume measurement and usually means the bra ends up being too big around the middle – which is where all the support comes from.”

Mad Men actress Christina Hendricks is displaying 'the ledge issue' caused by ill-fitting bras which give an 'over uplift' effect, transforming breasts into a 'ledge'
Instead the fitters at Bravissimo do it all by eye and from experience. After getting myself sorted (and learning a heck of a lot, while purchasing a very pretty and reasonably priced bra), I was really struck by something Anne shared with me. 

Despite most women (98 per cent is Laura’s guestimate) who come to Bravissimo being a size D cup and above, people often refuse to try on a bra which is bigger than a D. 

“It’s because of the impact glamour models and women in the media wearing the wrong-sized bra have on people’s perception of size,” Anne informs me wistfully. 

“Women don’t believe that they could possibly have bigger boobs than Katie Price (formerly known as Jordan), who says she is a DD. In my opinion she has never truly been a DD, even before her boob jobs. She’s more like 28 JJ. 

“I just wish we could teach bra fitting in schools to educate women about good practice when they are young.” 

All of the fitters I talk to are united in their views around this point. Busting the DD myth (sorry but it’s too good a pun to miss out on), is something they all feel passionate about. 

“We wanted to launch Boob School in part to try and communicate to British women that DD just isn’t that massive. Most customers simply won’t take any size DD bras into the changing rooms as they can’t believe they could be bigger than a busty model. There’s a psychological barrier there for a lot of women and it’s a problem. 

“But actually so many celebrities are wearing the wrong-sized bras and their misinformation becomes what people accept as fact about cup sizes,” explains Laura. 

“It’s actually about the relationship between a woman’s back size and the cup. Most women’s back strap is too big and cup size too small. If you go down two sizes on the back, you usually go up two sizes in cup to get the same volume. For example, in this particular instance, if a woman was wearing a 38D bra, it would change to a 34E.” 

So ladies (big and small-chested alike), on the hundredth anniversary of the bra, I think it’s time to do your boobs a favour and treat them to a bra which actually fits. It’s the least you could do. 

I will leave you with three tips I learned at Boob School:
1. Make sure your bra’s back panel/strap is firm and flush to your back. (You should not be able to easily slide your hand underneath it when on).
2. Ensure that the bra’s underwire sits nicely along your breasts.
3. Make sure the bra’s cup sits smoothly along your skin and covers your boobs easily – not causing any double boobing, quadraboobing and the like.


Jeisa Chiminazzo [LaPerla | SSCollection]
Shot in Catania, Sicily for Director Mary Rozzi and Believe Media.


Ukranian model Alla Kostromichova : Robi Rodriguez [March 2013]


20-years old incredibly spellbinding American model Alex @ Alexa @ Alexandra Abercrombie in first nude video shoot - "Chrysalis"

More of Alex here and here and here

Escape - Stereo Soul studios

A Fashion Video or videtorial
Model - Alex Abercrombie

The Madame

Celeste Thorson (
Jason Yee
Lesa Amoore (
Amber Stevens (
Alexandra Abercrombie
Drew Seeley (
Ashlyn Pearce
Nina Wu
Barbara deVorzon (
Tamar Kaprelian (
Martin Genis

Alexandra Abercrombie



from [

California Mission



SXSW 2013: Nothing wishy-washy about 'Bounceback' trailer -- EXCLUSIVE NSFW VIDEO


It never hurts to set your indie movie in the city of the film festival you’re hoping to enter. But that’s not the reason director/cowriter Bryan Poyser chose Austin for the setting of his latest movie, The Bounceback, which premieres March 9 at the SXSW Film Festival. Poyser has been a pillar of the Austin filmmaking community for nearly 20 years, shooting several of his movies in and around the Texas state capital.

The Bounceback is another savage comedy for Poyser, who’s been nominated for two Spirit Awards for Dear Pillow (2004) and Lovers of Hate (2010) — both also filmed in Austin. In the movie, Stan (Cloverfield‘s Michael Stahl-David) heads to Austin for a weekend to visit a best pal and essentially stalk his ex, Cathy (The Last Exorcism Part II‘s Ashley Bell). Meanwhile, his buddy Jeff (Zach Cregger) is experiencing his own romantic dysfunction, and his roommates are determined to win an air-sex competition (which apparently is a real thing.)

Some viewers might find the exclusive movie clip below vulgar and crude, and it’s certainly peppered with profanity that makes it NSFW. You have been warned.

Video Link


Play It Cool, Bro Seth MacFarlane is exactly what's wrong with American men
The zeitgeist's heavy hammer—by which I mean the Internet—has landed hard on last week's Oscar host Seth MacFarlane. The consensus: MacFarlane's act was racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitic, and, perhaps most unforgivably, not funny. Particularly insulting was the song and dance number, "We Saw Your Boobs," during which MacFarlane highlighted members of the audience whose breasts he'd seen in movies (many of which were exposed during rape scenes), or, in the case of Scarlett Johansson, in leaked cellphone photos on the Internet. Viewers were right to be offended by MacFarlane's demeaning routine. The women he mocked are world-class actresses. This was their night to be celebrated, not objectified by an immature jester.

But there's a group that should be equally irate about "We Saw Your Boobs": admirers of bare breasts. Because MacFarlane's is exactly the type of frat-boy behavior that leads so many American women to keep their breasts hidden from public view for fear of just such humiliation.

Think of any European man that you know. If you don't know any European men then just think of Javier Bardem, whose stubbly demeanor represents a kind of pan-European suavity. Now, imagine Javier Bardem, or someone who looks like him, at the beach. Two female bathers park their towels next to his. The bathers can be of any nationality or ethnicity—doesn't matter. What does matter is that these women are pale. They spend their days at laptops in sunless offices. And now they're on vacation, somewhere warm, for two weeks, before returning to the cold. They want tans and they want to enjoy themselves. So what do they do? They oil up. They lie down. They let the sun work its magic.

What these bathers don't want, however, are tan lines. Besides, their bikini tops are uncomfortable. The bathers are confronted with a choice. Do they remove their bikini tops at the risk of being ogled by male beachgoers? Well the first thing these bathers do is take a good look around. The beach is empty, but for their neighbor, Javier.

Now, if Javier were an American man—someone like Seth MacFarlane maybe, or the member of a college lacrosse team—he would take this opportunity to stand up, beat his chest, and chant the word "boobies" in guttural monotone. He would snap photos with his iPhone, poke the air with his erection, and drool uncontrollably. The women would react by leaving their bikini tops on, and probably packing their baskets and moving farther down the beach.

But Javier is not American. So what does he do? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. He just lies there, sipping his beer. He doesn't even look at the bathers who have now removed their bikini tops. He plays it cool.

After that, it's anyone's guess. Perhaps one of the women approaches Javier, asks if she can read his magazine when he's done. Perhaps they get to talking, discussing international politics, literature, art. Perhaps later that night, after a few rounds of drinks, she decides—or maybe even both women decide—that, sure, they'd like to see his apartment, and yes the music is nice, and before Javier knows what's happened he's not only seen both women's breasts but he's caressed them and kissed them, and possibly even been smothered by them while coming to asphyxiated climax.

Do you see what I'm getting at? Isn't it time for American men to start playing it cool?

I'm not just talking about beach behavior. Playing it cool extends to all realms of human interaction. Not attracted to Lena Dunham? Why write an aggressive blog post complaining about her offensively imperfect body, and how it's unfair that it's always Lena that gets naked and not Alison Williams, when you could simply play it cool. There's a reason Alison Williams never takes her top off, and it's not just because she's secretly a robot like her dad. Alison's seen your blog posts; she doesn't want that kind of scrutiny on her body. Actresses are human beings. The things we say about them on the Internet does affect them. Think of Emilia Clarke, who plays Daenerys Targaryen in HBO's Game of Thrones. Clarke spent almost the entirety of the first season topless, frolicking in bathtubs and at brothels. But after hundreds of Tumblr users began to chronicle the movements of Clarke's breasts with the appetite of amateur meteorologists, Clarke decided to keep her clothes on in season two.

There's a reason why the sexual revolution didn't work out in America—it was too much for American men to handle. Embarrassed by their adolescent astonishment, they tried to stay in control by treating sexually enlightened women like lepers. And whenever it seems that forward progress is being made on this front, some Seth MacFarlane arrives, childishly pointing, and chanting "boobies." Shut up Seth, you're ruining it for the rest of us.

Adam Wilson is the author of the novel Flatscreen.

* Ouch!


Buyers Beware – That’s A Butchered Version Of Knights Of Badassdom You’re Being Offered

You may recall Knights of Baddasdom. It’s the heavy metal fantasy comedy about LARPers taking on a real demon. Peter Dinklage is in it, and so is Summer Glau. Steve Zahn has a great role and Ryan Kwanten is the lead. I’ve written about it many, may times before. It looks like this:

knights of badassdom second image
Well, tomorrow, the long-shelved film is being screened for potential distributors. At least approximately.
Director Joe Lynch finished his director’s cut of the film back in July of 2011. Days later, he took part in a panel at Comic-Con and premiered the trailer. The panel was a crowd pleaser, the trailer went off like gangbusters and the future looked bright.

But then somebody cut the lights, stuffed Lynch’s film into a sack, dragged it away from him and hacked it up. That somebody was Wade Bradley, the CEO of Indivest, the film’s production company. But he wasn’t actually entitled to do this, no matter what his business card says.

A new site, sitting at the domain, goes into some depth about what happened. What Bradley did. Why this man deserves your boos and rotten tomatoes.

I’ll repeat some of the bullet points from their story, picking up after the Comic-Con panel.

  • Mr. Bradley forcibly removed Mark Burton (president of IndieVest Pictures and producer of KoB) and Matt Wall (writer for KoB) from IndieVest citing cost overruns on the picture as the reason for their departure despite having personally approved all expenses related to KoB.
  • Mr. Bradley set about editing KoB independently and in violation of his contract with director Joe Lynch per the Directors Guild of America Creative Rights Handbook. The most recent edit is roughly 70 minutes long and includes significant changes to the original story and concept.
  • Mr. Bradley scheduled a sales screening for his version of the film for March 25th, 2013, but – sensing growing pressure to return the film to Joe Lynch for completion – subsequently moved the screening to March 5th.
So that screening is tomorrow.

The short of it is, Bradley bankrupted IndieVest, hijacked the film against his contractual rights, has hacked the film up and is now trying to sell on this castrated, lobotomised version.

Joe Lynch has been tweeting, repeatedly, with the hashtag #notmycut. Perhaps the key tweet was:

For those who have asked, let me be VERY clear… #NotMyCut
The way to fight back, I think, is to make this common knowledge. By passing this news around, there’s actually a good chance that Joe Lynch could be reinstated to finish post production the way he wanted it.

There’s no need for a Kickstarter here. Just a lot of Tweets, blogposts and Facebook updates. A barrage of social media activity, a storm of disapproval in the cloud. If any potential distributor can see that what the audience wants – that same audience that were excited by the Comic-Con panel back in 2011- is the film that Lynch wanted to make, not some dumbed-down version, then there’s hope for Knights of Badassdom to be put back on track.

Lynch’s director’s cut is complete all bar the final rub of varnish. That version could be screened. That version could be bought for distribution. That version could be the one playing in cinemas and then released on DVD and Blu-ray.

Here’s hoping that nobody goes into the screening tomorrow uninformed…


DIRECTV's Rogue - "Script to Screen" Special

Premieres Wednesday, April 3 at 9 p.m. ET/PT. only on DIRECTV's Audience Network.
[Leah is on from 7:30 to 8:05, 11:30 to 11:50, 12:50 to 13:07]

DIRECTV's Rogue - Behind The Scenes (Joshua Sasse)

* Getting good vibes from the show. But I'm cautious too with close-ups cam-gimmick.


Red-Band Trailer for DEAD MAN DOWN with Collin Farrell

Here's a great new Red-Band trailer for Niels Arden Oplev's new film Dead Man Down, which stars Colin Farrell, Noomi Rapace, Dominic Cooper, and Terrence Howard. This is the first English language film directed by the Swedish filmmaker who also directed Rapace in the original Girl with the Dragon Tattoo film trilogy.
This movie looks like it could be a solidly intense movie. There's some more new footage packed into this trailer, and there are some pretty awesome looking shots. Looks like Oplev did a solid job with this one, and I'm looking forward to seeing it. Here's the synopsis,
Colin Farrell joins the prestigious team as brave enforcer Victor, right hand man to an underground crime lord in New York City. He seeks to avenge the death of his wife and daughter caused by his boss. When his employer is threatened by a mysterious killer, Victor also becomes detective. Victor is seduced and blackmailed by Beatrice (Noomi Rapace), a victim turned avenger whose intense chemistry leads them spiraling into payback delivered in violent catharsis. From producer Neal Moritz (The Fast and the Furious franchise, I Am Legend) and Joel Wyman (Fringe, Keen Eddie) comes a triumphant action thriller, a powerful portrait of the relationship between two people caught in the crosshairs of revenge.
Dead Man Down hits theaters on March 8th, 2013.

* In tiny thankless role, Krystal Tini still delivered an eye-catching performance.....

dev logoDevelopment Slate: THE LEFTOVERS and More in the Making

By Jef | HBO Series: HBO News | Mar 4, 2013
There has been plenty of wheeling and dealing at HBO. There is, of course, no guarantee that anything reported here makes it to the channel but HBOWatch will keep a track of all of it and let you know what is in HBO’s future.

leftovers HBO has now ordered a pilot to be shot of the 2011 novel written by Tom Perrotta entitled THE LEFTOVERS. He teams with Damon Lindelof as we reported back in  06.30.12.  If HBO likes what they see in the pilot about the leftovers of society after the biblical Rapture occurs, then this work can go to series yet this year and possibly make it to HBO as early as mid-2014.
Since we can’t say anything about a production I can offer a bit about the novel starting with notable lists it made it on in 2011. It was called a New York Times Notable Book for 2011; a Washington Post Notable Fiction Book for 2011; a USA Today 10 Books We Loved Reading in 2011 and one of NPR’s 10 Best Novels of 2011.  Kirkus Reviews said “The novel is filled with those who have changed their lives radically or discovered something crucial about themselves, as radical upheaval generates a variety of coping mechanisms. Though the tone is more comic than tragic, it is mainly empathic, never drawing a distinction between “good” and “bad” characters, but recognizing all as merely human—ordinary people dealing with an extraordinary situation.” If you are intrigued here is an Amazon link to get you on your way.
The same offer holds today as was originally reported. If anyone has read the novel and wants to report on the source material and whether it is a good fit for HBO we would love to hear from you. If not, who knows, possibly down the line someone here at HBOWatch will read it and post about it. Either way, we won’t be left out when it comes to the story of those left over.

  • Duplass Brothers get a Pilot order
 Here is a producing team that knows about family. They are Mark and Jay Duplass and they are the minds behind TOGETHERNESS. HBO has ordered a pilot of this single-camera comedy by the siblings who have written, produced and will direct the episode.
duplassbros.Again, it is one of those deals where the concept and plot structure suits the HBO suits but they want to see a pilot before they commit.  The premise follows two couples living under the same roof, thus the togetherness, I guess, and how they make their lives, relationships, hopes and dreams work. The news site Deadline even goes as far enough to say that filming should start in April. So, it is a watch and wait game to see if anything further develops from it. Melanie Lynskey, from “Two and a half Men” was been the only actor linked as cast so far.
The brothers are not strangers to filmmaking as they have a number of indie credits to their name including the movie Cyrus; now they are interested in HBO. Good luck, guys.

  •  Shawn Ryan’s BADLANDS plans
shawn Ryan Here is a deal that surfaces for the first time on HBOWatch. Shawn Ryan, the man behind both FX’s “The Shield” and ABC’s “The Last Resort”, will steer a project called THE BADLANDS. His colleague on the venture, Ron Fitzgerald is writing scripts based on a story co-written with Rolin Jones. If this concept fleshes out nicely, Ryan, for Sony TV will bring a story of a mining town to HBO.
Don’t think this is going to be like DEADWOOD about a period backwater mining town back in the day. That is not the approach this plot has in mind. The story may be closer in vein with TREME as it focuses on the challenges and joys of love and family as seen in the blue-collar mining town of Tar River, Wyoming – in the heart of the badlands. It intends to reveal the town as it struggles through life during the latest economic hardships of this modern age.

sony TV Here is another morsel about yet another deal with Sony TV, this one written by David Hubbard. The screenwriter of TV-movie “Widow Detective” has created THE RETURN OF DANIEL SHEPERD to HBO’s liking. There are no particulars on the deal to say whether HBO picked it up just based on concept meetings or actually had their hands on scripts but they liked what was pitched.

The project tells the story of a young man returning home after thirteen years of being a missing person. Mystery surrounds the whole situation as his adductors are found murdered making him the prime suspect. It is a crime to be solved and missing years to be pieced together that drives the concept. The affected Shepherd family includes the patriarch who is a former FBI agent, a congresswoman for a mother and a fraternal twin brother.  As usual, more as it develops.

  • Jonathan Groff in Comedy Pilot
jonathan groffHere is a concept without a title to hang on it but we will watch what happens with it anyway. It is all about some gay friends living under the shadow of the Golden Gate Bridge. The project is based on Michael Lannan’s LORIMER, which we reported on back in a 12.16.12 post.
Now Jonathan Groff, most recently seen on “Glee” and “Boss”, plays one in a trio living the gay scene in San Francisco, CA.  The complete cast has not been revealed or determined yet but Groff plays Patrick described as a gay man with a successful career as a video-game developer who is less successful in his personal life. Frankie Alvarez plays Augustin, listed as an artist’s assistant and Patrick’s best friend, who has a strong ego. Does it sound like the West Cost version of GIRLS? We’ll see.


Spira - Short Film

A short film by Jon James Smith (2012)
Eric is a psychologist appointed to determine the mental state of a dangerous psychiatric resident. As their sessions develop, Eric falls into an unsettling world of mental and physical disarray.

Director's Note
This is my directorial debut. Shot on a zero budget in just two days in Dorset, south UK. The aim was to create something from nothing and a gripping and rounded story that takes you on a psychological journey of horror with the main character. By blurring the lines between reality, insanity, and the paranormal, the audience is put in the main characters shoes and taken on a disorientating and disturbing journey.


* please listen to the podcast, guys. Insightful (and 'tiny' bit of bitterness from couple of struggling actors).

The Actors' Pilot Season Plight

The Actors' Pilot Season Plight

APR 23, 2012

We talk with two actors about the exhausting and angst-ridden process of auditioning for television pilots. David Walton and Elaine Hendrix -- who've done nearly 20 pilots between them -- talk rejection, resilience and the high stakes game of getting cast during pilot season.

Walton recently co-starred in the NBC show, Bent, with Amanda Peet. He's also recently replaced another actor in an untitled CBS pilot. Meanwhile, Hendrix is in the ABC pilot, American Judy, starring Judy Greer. The fate of all of these shows will be revealed in May at the upfronts in New York. That's when the networks introduce their new shows to advertisers. But for today, using Gavin Polone's article, "How Pilot Season Ensures that Great Actors Rarely Land the Right Shows" as a road map, we talk about the roller coast ride of pilot season.


'Chemical Peel' Trailer Spills Blood and Toxins
Chemical PeelBy Seth Metoyer,
The indie horror film Chemical Peel looks to be a bloody fun ride into the terror filled woods that genre fans will enjoy.

It's low budget, but from the trailer it is obvious that the filmmakers and actors (mostly female cast) turn up the dial and bring something worth looking at.

Produced by 17 Road, Directed by Hank Braxtan, Written by Dan Sinclair. The film stars Natalie Victoria (DeadHeads), Arielle Brachfeld (The Haunting of Whaley House) and co-stars Stephanie Greco (Hansel and Gretel), Lony'e Perrine (The Pack), Leigh Davis (Playback) and Lacy Fisher.

According to the movies official Facebook page, the release date for the film was set for Halloween of 2012.
Since that date has passed, we are not sure what the actual release date is at this time.

You can watch the new Chemical Peel trailer below the synopsis and details.

“A bachelorette party turns into a nightmare when the women are trapped in their secluded home while the wilderness around them burns.”

For more details, visit the following links:
Facebook -
Twitter -
Official Website -


Nine Percent of Yale Students Surveyed Say They’ve Accepted Money for Sex

by Nathan Harden - Fix Editor on March 5, 2013
"Sexologist," Jill McDevitt (Image by Jill McDevitt)
Nine percent of Yale University students who participated in a recent survey on sexual behavior reported having been paid for sex at least once. Three percent said they had participated in bestiality, and more than half said they had “engaged in consensual pain” during sex.

The survey was administered to a group of about forty students on Saturday, during a workshop meant to prompt students to “reconsider their idea of ‘normal’,” according to the Yale Daily News.

The workshop was taught by Jill McDevitt, a 27-year-old “sexologist” who also owns a sex shop in West Chester, Pennsylvaina, which sells vibrators and various sex toys.

She has posted videos of her educational workshops online, including one in which she demonstrates oral sex on a carrot.

“People don’t think a college student at an Ivy League university would accept payment for sex but I’ve never had asked this question on a college campus and not had ‘yes’ answers,” McDevitt told the Yale Daily News.

It is not clear to what extent the participants in the survey represent the student body as a whole. However, it will come as a shock to many that a significant number of students at an elite Ivy League school have accepted payment for sex, or have engaged in  bestiality.

McDevitt’s workshop was part of a series of sex-themed events held at Yale University over three days, called “Sex Weekend.”

Another event during Sex Weekend included instruction in sadism and masochism, based on the book 50 Shades of Gray.

McDevitt also asked students to report on their “incest fantasies.”
One student who participated in the McDevitt workshop, Alex Saeedy, spoke favorably of the event. In a statement to the YDN, he said he felt the point of the event was “to bring up things we thought were so taboo and desire or urges we criticize are just regular parts of sexual psychology.”

Others on campus, however, did not approve of the tone of the events.  In an interview with The College Fix, sophomore Elaina Plott said, “I think sex week in general is very sad because it reduces sex to such a triviality, and to something we talk about in such an alarmingly casual manner.”
Another current Yale student, who wished to remain anonymous, called this year’s Sex Weekend “another tasteless exhibitionist parade.”

Yale has a long history of hosting sex-themed events at the university that appear, on the whole, to be intended more to titillate students than to educate them. Sex Weekend is organized by students, but is overseen and approved by university administrators, who grant the use of classrooms and university facilities for the events.

Numerous U.S. universities have begun to host “Sex Weeks” in recent years, a trend that was pioneered by Yale. Past events at Yale have included appearances by porn stars, live nudity, sex-toy giveaways, and screenings of a hard-core porn films, including one that reportedly depicted “fantasy rape.”

At the time of publication, Yale officials had not responded to The College Fix’s email request for comments on the events that took place last weekend.

Nathan Harden is editor of The College Fix and author of the book SEX and GOD AT YALE: porn, political correctness, and a good education gone bad, which details the radicalism and moral decline at America’s most influential university.


‘Jessabelle’ Gets a Release Date and is Renamed ‘Ghosts

Filmed in Wilmington, North Carolina, the upcoming horror thriller Jessabelle, from Saw VI and Saw 3D director Kevin Greutert and writer Robert Ben Garant (Reno 911), will haunt theaters in early 2014 under its new title, Ghosts.

Sarah Snook, Joelle Carter (“Justified”), Mark Webber (Scott Pilgrim vs. the World) Ana de la Reguera and Amber Stevens star in the film. Snook will play the terrified protag, while Webber will play her childhood friend who helps her uncover the truth about her family.

The film is “about a girl who is forced to return to her father’s home in Louisiana when a car accident leaves her without the use of both her legs. What she finds there is a mystery surrounding her own birth and an angry ghost (named Jessabelle) that seems determined to destroy her.
Sara Snook takes a bath in the thriller ‘Ghosts’ (formerly ‘Jessabelle’), filmed in Wilmington, NC.
In the film, Jessie, played by Australian actress Sarah Snook ("Sleeping Beauty"), returns to her father's Louisiana home after a serious car crash kills her fiance and leaves her paralyzed.

She soon learns of a mystery that surrounds her birth and an angry ghost – Jessabelle – that's determined to destroy her.

Joelle Carter, ("Justified") plays Jessie's mother, and actor Mark Webber ("Scott Pilgrim vs. the World") plays Preston, an old high school boyfriend of Snook's character who helps her uncover the family mystery.

The plantation was the perfect backdrop for Jessie's father's home, Jacobs said.

On Wednesday, bursts of screams occasionally erupted from inside the three-story house as Snook and crews filmed late into the night.

For Snook, filming in the U.S. and acting in a horror film – while confined to a wheelchair – were all new experiences.

"My friend has a saying about horror films – when you're doing it there's only one objective: try and stay alive," she said, laughing. "It's been a lot of fun because there's all these massive emotions involved."

The young actress said she had only been in Los Angeles for auditions for a few weeks before landing the role and being whisked away to Wilmington, where she stayed at the downtown on the waterfront – and had a front-door view of the N.C. Azalea Festival.

"I was really well situated downtown. I went to the festival and walked around all the stalls," Snook said. "One of my favorite things about my job is traveling and getting to see new places."

Sarah talked to an Aussie reporter about the movie:
It was a film I did earlier this year in the States, on the East Coast in North Carolina. It was a horror film with Lionsgate and Blumhouse. Kevin Greutert, who edited all the Saw movies, is directing. It felt more like a step towards something that he wanted to put an independent mark on in direction. I had so much fun. I tried to do as many stunts of my own as possible, so jumping into the bayou, the swamp, and pretending I was drowning [laughs]. And getting strapped into a wheelchair and getting thrown into a pool — not quite as brutal as that sounds. Jumping out of a slime bath, things like that. What I liked about shooting it was, yes there are horror elements and hopefully the tension will come through the music, editing and shots, but the director wanted to focus on the relationships between the characters so it could still hold up as a dramatic piece as well.

* if Sarah Snook won the role that quickly just weeks into her L.A excursion then I'm positive there is some nudity involved which probably scared off others vying (and was hoping to 'discuss' their way out of baring) for the same role. 

My focus is on mulo magnifico Amber Stevens in only her second R-rated flick. Amber is stepping it up big time. She was in North (and South) Carolina from April of 2012 to May, filming Jessabelle for a month. Maybe I'm off base here but pretty sure Amber is playing the title role of Jessabelle (Jezebel). Strange...Deadline only announced Amber's casting in late April when she already shot most of her scenes.

Don't forget to check out Amber in her first R-rated flick 'The Kitchen' (starring 2012 nude debutants Dreama Walker and Laura Prepon) which comes out this month.

Trivia : 
Amber and cute head bobber Melissa Ordway (mesmerizing in addictive Hollywood Heights) are both in Bible study group. As of 2012, the duo are firmly against or taking part in explicit sex scenes and nudity. Only compromise: wearing lingerie, appearing in R-rated flicks and kissing. Jennifer Garner was a member of the group. Let see if Amber changed her mind in Jessabelle. Same goes with nudity dodger Melissa who is 30+ this year and just finished filming her scenes in upcoming The Outsider shot on location around Baton Rouge.


VogueES Joyas


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