Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Muppets Review

Ah The Muppets, what is there not to like? On the surface its really hard to be critical of a Muppet movie they are wholesome, cute, puppets that have managed to still be funny for over 40 years now. The newest addition to this, The Muppets, pretty much sticks true to this formula.  As a fan of The Muppets as a whole the movie is enjoyable, and like any other Muppet outing you should be entertained by the overall silliness of the movie.  The Muppets isn't without it's flaws though, first off the musical numbers, lord do these feel forced, more so than any other movie that comes to mind.  I don't know why it annoyed me so much, maybe its because the acts aren't really funny and often don't involve Muppets but the musical acts really didn't work (especially the "I'm Rich" "Rap" song).  

Aside from the musical numbers the only thing that really bugged me was Walter, the little Muppet that could if you will. This little S.O.B. is the most annoying, self centered, bitchy, whiny no talent schmuck of a Muppet I've ever seen.  He's like one of the Sesame Street Muppets they use to teach kids how to count but kids don't like him because he doesn't look entertaining and the only thing he knows how to do is whistle like a dolt. Walter sucks, I hope if and when the next Muppet movie comes around they act like Walter never happened. Other than that the movie is pretty entertaining. I do love 80's robot and gangster Fozzie (shown bellow) and the antics of The Return Show feels like The Muppets of old.  As a movie it certainly isn't the best of the franchise, but if your a fan you probably should take the time to check this one out, there's a bevy of celebrity appearances, Muppets, explosions, Muppets, chilli-dogs, Muppets, singing and of course Muppets. Wakka Wakka Wakka 

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