Sunday, March 3, 2013

stars, sex and nudity buzz : 03/04/2013

From an anonymous source (from someone in the showbiz. Words and phrases are altered without compromising the content).

No one we know seems to think Odette Annable will be getting naked in Banshee, at least not this season.

Also, and even more disappointingly, no one we know seems to think Maggie Grace really shows the goods after all in Californication.

That in fact she signed the contract but then refused to do any genuine lengthy nude scenes (remember that's always an option - at which point the producers can always feel free to fire the actress, but it's usually too late to do so).

That's why Showtime timed the announcement that they weren't moving ahead with the Faith spinoff at the time they did which seems like strange timing if you think about it, before even waiting to see if the character hits off with audiences and critics. Just prior to the premiere of the new season and right before announcing the renewal of Californication itself.

Unless it was done pretty much out of spite, with the powers-that-be deciding it either

a) wasn't worth it, or

b) she was difficult to deal with,

c) didn't do what she promised, or some combination of the above.

That first dark sex scene is sure looking more and more like unintentional nip-slip where we saw even more than she wanted us to.

Hope springs eternal. Maybe by some strange chance we'll get even a passing pause-button look at the goods.

comment from a blog fan: 
8 episodes into Californication and still no clear nudity from Maggie Grace. What a major disappointment :( If she wasn't that keen to get nude Showtime should've cast another hottie in her place that isn't scared to do nudity. This season has been a major let down so far compared to the great nudity shown by Camilla Luddington last season. I really hope Odette Annable doesn't do a Maggie Grace in Banshee because that will be even more shattering. If they don't want to get their tits out pick someone's that simple. By the way I love this blog and hang for your info on a daily basis. Keep up the awesome work. :) 

Thank you for the kind words (sorry for the late reply)

In case of Maggie, it was David who insisted on working with her after she expressed interest in playing Faith. It’s no secret the two hooked up for a brief fling just prior to Relative Insanity. Maggie is attracted to smart guys (preferably an Ivy college guy) with wry sense of humor to compensate for her own educational insecurities.

Thus Maggie was in pole position to dictate terms. Deep down I know frontal nudity was unlikely to happen the moment they called off the spin-off. It was obvious Maggie didn’t take the bite off the dangled carrot. What kind of show will it be if the theme of story is about a groupie…oops sorry…muse with her constant wrangle with rockers/celebs in all that entailment and there is no nudity from the female lead? It wasn’t a loss for Showtime but it was for Maggie. Major opportunity for an actress at her age. Only had to work for about 3-4 months a year unlike on network series where everything is staggered and compacted for nearly a year. Maggie has no stomach for a regular gig. She thinks she can coast along with couple of movies a year. Wait until age factor kicks in and it will soon enough.

Having said all that in a very common sense manner, I still prefer to hold on to my moronic side and sincerely believe we will get something from Maggie in that Jesus on LSD episode.  

The thing with Banshee is that casting process was flexible and every cast members were made to understand there will be script changes (read: insert sex/nudity to satisfy the Skinemax loyal members) and adapt to it. Nudity isn’t required from ‘possible nudity’ roles but Season 2 will be altogether different. You can’t keep expecting Ivana and Lili to perform nude scenes over and over again. It’s unfair for them and potentially damaging for the show in long run if there isn’t fresh body (so to speak) to freshen up from that angle. That’s beauty of Cinemax. The guys there have antholog-ical-like mind-set and will try to bring in new cast members for every new season of a show. Trieste will get properly naked in S2 (confirmed). Greg the Greek has persuasive tongue (don’t be surprised if Lili does full-frontal in S2) and if anyone can talk Odette into compromising her strict nudity clause, it’s him. Greg has a good working relationship with Odette. She will appear in first few episodes of S2 and have face-off time with the Sheriff. It hasn’t been confirmed but her character is unlikely to survive (or written off) beyond S2. That was the original intention. And if her new show on ABC doesn’t take off, Banshee will provide an avenue for a return in near future. Can’t be confirmed now but they’re adding a key female character in S2 as well.


Watch: 20-Minute Reel Of Deleted Scenes From 'The Master'

As you probably know by now, we've been following every twist and turn of Paul Thomas Anderson's "The Master" from its initial development, collapse at Universal and resurrection into the film that was released last year. And just as much has been written about what was left out of the movie as what was left in. As we noted in From Script To Screen: Your Guide To All The Deleted/Missing Scenes In "The Master," there were lots of alterations and changes from the page to what happened on the set. But now, you can see for yourself the material that was left behind.

The 20-minute reel of deleted scenes that Anderson screened last fall at Film Independent at LACMA and included among the extras of the recent release of "The Master" on home video have snuck their way online. At least for the moment. Presented in an edited and scored montage, it's a fascinating dip into the avenues and roads not taken in the narrative. Open up the aforementioned From Script To Screen feature to get more context on the scenes below and give it a watch.

* I'm confused. Christ..I'm pretty bad at recognizing faces from reels or movies. Really bad. Is it

  Brigitte Hagerman or 
Shannon Freyer? 
Personally I think it's Shannon as her scenes was extensively edited out by PTA. Nice tits though.

UPDATE 03/04/2013


New Casting : Hidden in the Woods

More casting news has come our way for Patricio Valladares' English-language remake of Hidden in the Woods. Read on for the early word on just who has signed on for active duty in this horrific affair.
The cast is now comprised of Michael Biehn, Jeannine Kaspar, Electra Avelan, Mark Burnham, Jennifer Blanc, Richard Gunn, Caitlin Keats, Matthew Alan, Mark Gantt, Cheryl Hawker, Greg Ingram, Evie Louise Thompson, Grace Powell, Larry Carroll, Nick Nicholson, Jeremy JD Norton, Rebecca Torellas, Nick Bateman, Cody Hackman, and Luke Massy.
New Casting News Found Hidden in the Woods
Hidden in the Woods is a powerful tale of urban violence and "closely faithful to the atmospheres of the original", in the words of actor/producer Michael Biehn. The film has been acquired to be handled internationally and launched in Cannes by Dimitri Stephanides of WTF, the Paris-based sales company who also represents Michael Biehn's and Jennifer Blanc's previous film, The Victim. Shot in Texas on an unannounced budget, Valladares' Hidden in the Woods promises to be one of the most exciting thrillers to look out for in 2014.

SynopsisHidden in the Woods tells the story of two sisters who have been raised in isolation, subjected to the torment of their abusive, drug dealing father. When they finally decide to report him to the police, he kills the two officers and is put in jail. But things go from bad to worse when the girls must answer to their Uncle Costello, a psychotic drug kingpin, who shows up looking for his missing merchandise which is hidden in the woods.

* if they adapt faithfully from the original, there should be nudity (or at least of the butt variety) for both Electra Avellan (playing younger sister Anny) and once upon a time Don Cheadle fuck-toy Jeannine Kaspar (likely portraying Anna).
And here is the trailer for another Michael Biehn flick - Treachery with likely sex scenes involving and .
More exclusive goodies from the latest terror tale from writer/director Travis Romero, Treachery, are right here awaiting your perusal. Get set for a new trailer, a handful of new stills, and yes, even a new poster.
The cast includes the amazing talents of Michael Biehn, Sarah Butler (I Spit On Your Grave), Caitlin Keats (Kill Bill 2), Matthew Ziff (Among Friends), Chris Meyer (Kiss of The Damned), and Richard Gunn and Jennifer Blanc-Biehn, who played Sketchy and Kendra on James Cameron's "Dark Angel".


Meet the 2013 SXSW Filmmakers #19: Coming of Age in Emily Hagins' Latest, 'Grow Up, Tony Phillips'

Emily Hagins
Filmmaker Emily Hagins celebrated her 20th birthday while creating "Grow Up, Tony Phillips" which she wrote and directed. Having begun filmmaking at the young age of 12, "Grow Up, Tony Phillips" is her fourth feature. Hagin's last feature, "My Sucky Teen Romance", played at SXSW in 2011, and was distributed by Dark Sky Films.

What it's about: "Grow Up, Tony Phillips" is a Halloween-set comedy about an 18-year-old who doesn't think you ever get to old to trick 'r treat.

What else audiences should know: "It's about the transition process of finally realizing you're entering the real world, and not about the drugs/sex/angsty stuff that makes up a lot of teen movies. I graduated high school in 2011, and I kept seeing these movies that had teen characters all wrapped up in technology and not about their real face-to-face interactions. Hoping to not have technological advances solely define this generation, this movie has no texting or internet use in just assumes those things happen in other scenes that just aren't in the movie. So it's not a period piece either, I was just hoping to make something that more universally connects the overall high school experience."

On challenges: "It's a simple movie, so that lent to a lot of possibilities in the direction the story could take. But luckily our team understood that the big picture was really just a character-driven story, and everyone from the production design team to our actors really worked hard to bring these characters and their world to life."
"Grow Up, Tony Phillips" Still

Films that inspired her: "A lot of John Hughes movies for sure, they feel the most accurate to high school to me."

What's next: "A couple of thriller/horror movies, and hopefully another comedy."

Indiewire invited SXSW Film Festival directors to tell us about their films, including what inspired them, the challenges they faced and what they're doing next. We'll be publishing their responses leading up to the 2013 festival.


Lucky Bastard Gets the NC-17, Theatrical Run Still Planned

March 4, 2013
By Matt Molgaard - Staff Writer

Lucky Bastard (2013) Poster
Robert Nathan’s mockumentary Lucky Bastard brings two popular aspects of entertainment together to form what’s already drawn the ire of the MPAA. Pornography and violence sell and sell well. Nathan apparently knows this, as his new flick, a film about humility and revenge, with what looks like a bit of social commentary thrown in the mix, capitalizes on both in a major way.

Lucky Bastard appears to be an intense production, and Vineyard Haven LLC apparently is in agreement, as the film will receive a limited theatrical push, despite the hideous NC-17 brand now extended.

This one will debut in Los Angeles on April 5th at theVintage Cinemas’ Los Feliz 3 Cinemas.

In addition to directing, Robert Nathan co-writes with Lukas Kendall and executive produces. The lovely Betsy Rue (My Bloody Valentine) fronts the picture while Don McManus (The Shawshank Redemption), Jay Paulson (Go), Chris Wylde (The Revenant) and Catherine Annette (Zero Dark Dirty) co-star.

“Mike (Don McManus) runs the Lucky Bastard website; Dave (Jay Paulson) is a young fan given a chance to have sex with a porn actress, and Ashley Saint (Betsy Rue) is the porn star who reluctantly agrees to participate in the website’s “have sex with a porn star” contest. In the end everyone gets more than they bargained for when the seemingly mild-mannered Dave is irrevocably transformed by his experience. When, as Ashley predicted, Dave becomes humiliated, his personality is transformed; and he seeks revenge on his tormentors. In this world, where everyone is safe within its borders, an outsider poses the ultimate danger.”

from Anonymous source:
Good review of Lucky Bastard -

Andy Tackles Lukas Kendall and Robert Nathan's New Thriller

Found footage films are a dime a dozen these days, but LUCKY BASTARD – the new thriller from executive producer Lukas Kendall and director Robert Nathan - does something interesting in a genre basically confined to cheap horror films.

Instead of supernatural terror, “Lucky Bastard” generates tension through its unique  – particularly considering the genre – set-up, which follows the producers and stars of an online porn website. The crew, which includes saucy star “Ashley Saint” (Betsy Rue) and veteran, grizzled producer “Mike” (Don McManus), may have seen it all, but they get more than they bargained for when they opt to film a new web series. Their online show picks out one of the site’s members and enables them to live out their greatest fantasy – as in, copulating with Ms. Saint – all the while being filmed by the crew for the benefit of other members of the site. It’s basically a porn version of reality TV, complete with fake “recreations” made for the betterment of viewers at home (one of the film’s most entertaining elements in its script, written by Nathan and Kendall, is how it exposes various reality TV cliches, including the “first-time” introductions between its participants).

The “lucky bastard” of the film’s title is fan “Dave G.” (Jay Paulson), who has a sob story involving his brother’s passing in his history – an instant turn on for Mike and the show’s crew – and displays more than a fanboyish interest in Ashley’s background. When the moment comes for Dave to unleash his manhood on Ashley, things not only go wrong with his sexual libido, but his failure to perform soon becomes the least of the crew’s problems.

The second half of “Lucky Bastard” ratchets up the suspense and provides a crowd-pleasing succession of twists as Dave decides to exact his revenge on the show’s crew, but before it, the movie succeeds in establishing a believable set of characters. As with any of these “found footage” offerings, so much of the picture is dependent on the cast being convincing that a film can sink or swim just on that element alone. Fortunately the cast in “Lucky Bastard” sells the material perfectly, especially Rue, whose performance is especially effective in how she refuses to instill Ashley as having too much of a heart of gold (though make no mistake, she’s clearly the most sympathetic character viewers will be pulling for). First-time feature director Nathan, a veteran of numerous TV series like “Law and Order,” and veteran editor Tony Randel know how to push the audience’s buttons – so much that I expect “Lucky Bastard” will play most effectively with theatrical viewers, where audience interaction will be an asset.

“Lucky Bastard” is NC-17 rated and won’t be for everyone, though the picture ultimately isn’t gratuitous, especially considering the subject matter. In fact, outside of its porn story component, it’s a punchy, well-performed thriller that ultimately keeps your attention for all of its 90 minutes. A recommended view, especially for adventurous viewers.

Any idea when it will be available to watch? Betsy Rue is hot, has already gone complete full frontal in My Bloody Valentine. Would be excited for a solid glimpse of p-lips. 

Thanks for the link. I contacted Lucky Bastard productions team in regards to VOD and DVD release date (don't think there will be regional theatrical showing). Keep in mind it's shot in found footage headache inducing style. Quick in-focus and flashy out-of-focus nonsense is possible during the more racier parts of the movie. I'm with you on the full-frontal porno style. Official release is in April:
Lucky Bastard is going to get some theatrical play in Los Angeles on April 5th at Vintage Cinemas' Los Feliz 3 (1822 N. Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90027).

* While we as ordinary film connoisseurs (in broad sense of the word) seems to celebrate the orgy of violence depicted on screen and women applauding the female empowerment in relation to it (nothing sexier than a gun-toting heroine or kicking butt alongside the hero) but condemns everything and anything when it comes to sex and nudity. Why it’s has to be tasteful? Why love scenes are comparatively short and must be vital to move along the plot? Is it possible just to enjoy a long and realistic sex scene just for the sake of it in the same way we can’t take our eyes off a car-chase segment or shoot-outs. What’s so wrong with it? The act of making love is beautiful and two naked bodies entangle in passion is far more reassuring to the soul than watching someone getting shot or punched in the face. Objectification is the hammer often employed to batter down any opposing voice. Just sad that in comparison to simulated violent content, sexual representations still lags behind or stagnant to the point of inanity.


14 Genuinely Awesome Times We Saw An Actress's Boobs [NSFW]

Posted by
In last week's Oscar broadcast, Seth McFarlane executed a monumentally disturbing "We Saw Your Boobs" montage which completely tore apart everything we as women hold dear about boobs. His inclusion of rape scenes, post-sexual-assault doctor visits and stolen private photographs as triumphant moments in the Showing of Boobs was a despicable example of the pervasiveness of rape culture and the perpetual public ignorance of it. That was seriously fucked up.

We (Girl-On-Girl culture) feel like this would be a good moment to reclaim the Showing of Boobs. As queer women, we feel uniquely qualified to perform this task. See, nobody on the internet knows what they're talking about w/r/t boobs. Quick google searches for "best topless scenes" turn up predictable lists delighting over scenes designed specifically to titilate straight men (one list of "best topless scenes" included Schindler's List, if you can believe it) and screaming in agony over scenes that don't fit into the list-makers narrow definition of beauty, such as scenes in which women over the age of 50 dare to bare. We wanted to celebrate really kickass, empowering or super-sexy topless scenes, with an inevitable bias towards the queer scenes.

A note on the nudity in this post: Because we have this fantasy of people giving us money to advertise things on our website, we usually stick to a "no-nudity" rule on everything, but honestly placing little cartoon hearts over everybody's nipples for this post started to feel silly and sex-negative because like, who says nipples need to be censored? THE PATRIARCHY? In a post about showing boobs, we shouldn't be censoring boobs. Anyhow, we're still maintaining the fantasy of getting advertisers one day, so this will probs be the only time we show you any nip. I don't know it just happened. Lick it up, laides, lick it up.
In the past, we have celebrated ten movies we watched for the brief nudity. Today we celebrate something similar.

14 Great Moments In Boobery

1. Cheryl Dunye in Watermelon Woman

After the release of her first feature film, The Watermelon Woman, lesbian director/actress/writer told The Advocate that "it doesn't bother me to be naked on-camera. I'm buck naked in all my videos too." That's the spirit! Also, she plays a lesbian video artist determined to find out about the black actresses ignored by Hollywood history, so there's absolutely nothing not awesome about this situation.

2. Angelina Jolie in Gia

One day in the future, lesbian historians will look back on this moment as one of our early accurate representations of how shit goes down between lesbian lovers — you know, like when the girl tries to sneak out in the morning to return to her boyfriend and then somebody's in the hallway with their top off! There are lots of glorious moments for Angelina Jolie's breasts in this fantastic film, which made so many of us gay.

3. Diane Keaton in Something's Gotta Give

This slapsticky scene has made its way onto far too many "worst topless scenes" lists, therefore cementing its inclusion here. HOW DARE A 57-YEAR-OLD WOMAN SHOW US HER BREASTS? Because she's fucking awesome, that's why.

4. Jenny Shimizu, Angelina Jolie and Heddy Burress in Foxfire

The tattoo scene is the epitome of something I thought I would never ever have: lots of girls, toplessness, tattoos, being dangerous. Like it scared the fuck out of me and made me so sad for my boring life, but I loved it obvs. NOW LOOK AT US. Tattoos, boobs, friends in weird cities.

5. Mia Kirshner in the opening credits of The L Word

Goddess bless Mia Kirshner and her fantastic breasts, which for reasons unbeknownst to us but for which we are eternally grateful, showed up in the opening credits fully naked every single week. She usually got naked in the actual episode as well, which was a nice bonus.

6. Sahara Knite w/Esme Bianco, Game Of Thrones

Most of the time on Game of Thrones, people are slicing each other's heads off with knives! But sometimes there are 4-minute lesbian sex scenes, like this one starring Indian actress Sahara Knite, The UK's only Muslim porn star! How about that for a cameo?

7. Sara Rue in Gypsy 83

In the 90's/early 00's we were pretty much willing to watch anything that claimed to be both "indie" and regarding "coming of age." Plus it won a bunch of gay film festival prizes because Sara Rue's bestie in the movie is gay. They're both goths who flee Sandusky in search of Stevie Nicks. Oh and also, boobs.

8. Lynn Chen and Michelle Krusiec in Saving Face

This movie, one of the best lesbian films of all time, features the most tender and lovely sex scene between its titular characters.

9. Lynn Whitfield in The Josephine Baker Story

Josephine Baker's boobs are pretty famous, and although our memories of this 1991 HBO film are dim, and we're pretty sure it failed to properly convey Josephine Baker's bravery, tenacity and *COUGH* queerness, still, it's Lynn Whitfield as Josephine Baker, you know? In fact, Whitfield snagged a NAACP Image Award, a Golden Globe nomination and an Emmy nomination for her portrayal of Josephine Baker in this flick.

10. Lena Dunham in Girls

There's plenty to find problematic in Girls, but Lena Dunham's consistent nudity isn't one of them. Do you remember the moment when you realized this was the first time you'd seen somebody with an im"perfectly" proportioned body having sex on television? She's completely comfortable in her own skin and her lovers are, too, and the fact that as the writer/director, she's doing it all on her own terms, makes it especially awesome.

11. Kristen Stewart in On the Road

We haven't actually seen this movie yet, but definitely wanted to, and now absolutely plan to.

12. Salma Hayek and Karine Plantadit-Bageot in Frida

Salma Hayek's always been a confident exhibitor of her fantastic rack, and her turn as bisexual artist Frida Kahlo was no exception. We're especially fond of the love scene between Frida and Josephine Baker, played by Alvin Ailey dancer and Broadway actress Karine Plantadit-Bageot. So I guess we got Josephine Baker in this top ten two ways, so to speak. Fun fact: Julie Taymor, who directed Frida, also directed Plantadit-Bageot in The Lion King on Broadway!

13. Mary Louise Parker in Weeds

Mary Louise Parker 4ever.

14. Erin Daniels, Leisha Hailey, Alexandra Hedison, Rachel Shelley, Lauren Holloman, Mia Kirshner, Rose Rollins, Barbara Kottmeier, Karina Lombard, Katherine Moennig, Anne Ramsay, Sarah Shahi, Lauren Lee Smith, Lynda Boyd, Kate French, Angela Gots, Gina Holden, Sandrine Holt, Shay Kingston, Kristanna Loken, Alberta Mayne, Mei Melancon, Sarah Shahi, Audra Ricketts and Alicia Leigh Willis on The L Word

Hey look, we relate: every time we see a hot lesbian, we too want to take our shirts off, too.


Kelly Brook with A Replica of My Cock of the day

Kelly Brook was punked on TV….in what would be be offensive….. if it wasn’t staring a couple hooker type women…who are virtually pornstars…..who just don’t have sex on camera…but who do showcase their tits for money…willing to do almost anything to get ahead…. give a head.

You know what…this is actually a well executed prank….and I’m happy it’s allowed on TV…next time let’s hope she’s riding it or inserting it in her ass…but it would have to be a hell of a lot bigger to insure she feels it….that loose lipped /orifice harlot….. it looks like my cock. honest. give or take a few 5 inches. ... i mean GIVE not take.

.... believe it or not it's gay to focus too much on the cock.


The Devil Within by Florence Leung for Factice #17

Photographer: Florence Leung
Model: Echo Nittolitto using MAC Cosmetics


c teresa



Another heads-up from lovely Gwendoline Taylor - Ms. Full Frontal from Spartacus

AV Club:
So what’s left after all this death, destruction, and carnage? It’s not about where the show can go from here plot-wise (since it seems like we’re running out of options in that respect), but where Spartacus goes in terms of imparting its ultimate morality. Once again, I turn to Gannicus for guidance, since both Spartacus and Spartacus look to him as something of a bridge between worlds. He’s a slave and a free man, a fiercely independent man who shows tremendous loyalty, someone who wishes nothing but to be left alone yet finds himself coming to the aid of ever more people.

While sailing to Sicilia, Spartacus urges Gannicus once again to think more of himself in order to be better prepared for a true leadership role in the coming days/weeks/months. Gannicus once again tries to dissuade Spartacus from being the heir apparent should the latter fall. But it’s clear that the message is sinking in. It’s not about Spartacus placing ideas into Gannicus’ head, so much as gradually revealing those thoughts to be inside there already. Spartacus asks Gannicus to seek inspiration for greatness in someone else in order to propel himself to the next stage of his life. “Perhaps one day you will find reason closer to heart to assume deserved mantle.” "Perhaps I will fall this night,” retorts Gannicus, “And leave you to weep with the other women.” (Gannicus is, as per usual, the best.) 

Saxa is on board with them when this conversation happens, but it’s clear neither man sees Gannicus’ salvation in the form of hot, blonde, lethal German craziness. That makes Sibyl extremely important in the final stretch of the show, as someone who bypasses Gannicus’ barriers seemingly without trying. The two have a chaste relationship, and it’s neither here nor there if they ever consummate their relationship sexually. But what is important is how to she figures into Gannicus’ transformation. It’s not enough for Spartacus to show the rise and fall of a single man. The program needs to impart why this man’s life matters, and why it has resonance. That resonance need not be located solely in the final arc of Gannicus, but that seems the best place right now to track what the show ultimately wants to say about the world it has depicted over the course of its run.

* Gannicus is going to pound the shit out of Sibyl in coming episodes. Praying Saxa will join in for truly memorable threesome.


25 Magazine #2 : Toni Garrn



Emma Stone tweets bizarre post about Andrew Garfield and Shailene Woodley

Emma Stone’s first tweet ever hints at love triangle between her, Andrew Garfield and Shailene Woodley.

Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield arrive for the French premiere of the film "The Amazing Spider-Man" in Paris on June 19, 2012. UPI/David Silpa.
Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield arrive for the French premiere of the film "The Amazing Spider-Man" in Paris on June 19, 2012.
Published: March. 4, 2013
Actress Shailene Woodley. UPI/Jim Ruymen 
Emma Stone posted her first tweet ever on Sunday and it was a suspicious anagram that might (or might not) suggest her on-screen and real-life boyfriend, Andrew Garfield, is cheating on her with Shailene Woodley.

Stone's bizarre tweet read, "nawder nas islasehne tsintgi ni a erte," and it was deleted soon after being published. Lucky for us, Perez Hilton took a picture of it and even deciphered its meaning. According to the blogger, the post was an anagram for "Andrew and Shailene sitting in a tree."
Shailene, being of course Shailene Woodley, will be starring as Mary Jane, Garfield's new love interest, in "The Amazing Spider-Man 2."

While some believe the tweet might have been movie-related, it's still unclear why Stone deleted the post if that was the case. 

Either way, Stone and Garfield were spotted cuddling and kissing in NYC after the strange tweet.

* It’s that kind of culture in Hollywood: the constant fear of being cheated on that creates this suspiciousness bordering on paranoia among young actresses like Emma. Poor girl must be really smitten with the skinny limey. It will take some years before she hardens into a predator in mold of January Jones and many of the stars in Sleazyhood. To be honest, it well maybe could be what-goes-around-comes-around moment for Emma to post a first tweet like that. She should be experienced by now in arts of snaring someone else partner. Kristen Stewart set the perfect example for the new generation. Worming her way into Liberty Ross home in name of friendship and getting chummy with the children but all the while was riding the man of the house on the movie set like there was no tomorrow. Don't think for a second I'm blaming only the distaff. It takes two to tango. And we go back to the culture thing again. Hooking-up is an accepted practice among the higher echelons of Tinseltown. It also beneficial in long term if the artist is of B-list variety and the cock/pussy they latched on to belongs to an A-lister. Recommendation galore, baby!


WATCH: Delta Goodrem Channels A Victoria Secret Angel For Saucy Mardi Gras Performance

4 March 2013
WATCH: Delta Goodrem Channels A Victoria Secret Angel For Saucy Mardi Gras Performance
She is generally known as the soft spoken all Australian sweetheart– so some fans were shocked to find a sexier, more risqué version of the singer onstage at the 2013 Official Mardi Gras after party.

Performing to a packed house in the early hours of Sunday morning, Delta was determined to prove those detractors in the crowd that had argued she would be a let-down compared to Kylie Minogue’s show stopping performance last year wrong – pulling out all the stops!

In what is said to have been a high-energy dance medley of her hits – Delta cavorted onstage with some near-naked male dancers while dressed in a number of sexy, sparkly outfits!

Delta made her entrance onstage in a giant birdcage, in a midriff baring sparkly bra-top with giant angel wings – looking every inch a Victoria Secret model, or like the good angel to Miley Cyrus’ dark bird in clip Can’t Be Tamed.

According to The Fix, Delta is said to have then made a costume change – swapping her angelic look for a gypsy-style number with a glittery bra and a sheer, leg-revealing skirt.

Her set apparently consisted of a dance remix medley of hits 'Sitting On Top of the World', 'Lost Without You', 'Born To Try', 'Believe Again' and a mash-up of 'Unpredictable' and Madonna's 'Hung Up'.

Delta tweeted after the event, “"I hope everyone enjoyed the performance ... HUGE thank you to everyone!!"

Other performers at Mardigrasland included The Presets, Heather Small from M People, Zoe Badwi, 2012 Eurovision winner Loreen, and Jake Shears from the Scissor Sisters (doing a DJ set).

Who would your dream Mardi Gras line-up be?


Theatrical Slut Shaming: Daily Caller Attacks Ashley Judd For Nude Scenes

It’s a sign of how anxious the right wing is about the possibility that Ashley Judd might run for Senate against Minority Leader Mitch McConnell that the attacks on her have geared up before she’s even formally entered the race. There’s the American Crossroads ad trying to frame her as out of touch with a series of relatively anodyne and contextless quotations. And now, the Daily Caller, which has been trying to frame Judd’s feminist beliefs as fringe, has launched the stupidest salvo against her at all: arguing that Judd, because she has done nude scenes for her work as an actress, “has—literally—nothing left to show us.” In an exceptionally gross piece, Taylor Bigler, the Caller’s Entertainment Editor (Entertainment, in Caller parlance, apparently means surfing Mr. Skin and publishing clickbait trash gossip) writes:
We are used to knowing just about everything there is to know about serious political candidates. But will Judd be the first potential senator who has — literally — nothing left to show us? The actress has bared her breasts in several films and has had some raunchy sex scenes in others. According to, which bills itself as “the largest free nude celebrity movie archive,” Judd has flashed just about everything on-screen. It seems like she was particularly liberal with nudity early on in her career…Judd did a lesbian sex scene in 2002′s Oscar-nominated “Frida” and has nine other films categorized as “sexy” by Mr. Skin, meaning that there is at least one racy scene in those films.
It may come as a surprise to the Daily Caller, but actresses don’t generally take their clothes off on-screen as an expression of some sort of groovy seventies lifestyle, or as a way to have sex with people who are not their spouses or partners. Rather, getting asked to take off some or all of your clothes is, for a lot of actors, a frequent requirement of the job, and something that until recently, tended to be asked of women more frequently than men. When men do get fully naked on-screen, they’re often protected to a certain extent by the comedic framing of the scene, whether it’s Jason Segel stripping down in Forgetting Sarah Marshall for a scene in which his character expects to surprise his girlfriend and ends up getting dumped by her after he refuses to get dressed, or Will Ferrell going streaking in Old School. There’s a separation between actors and their bodies—no one considers men who get naked the sum of junk, the kind of person who, in real life, would pound a lot of beers at a frat party and take off, flapping in the breeze, down a suburban street.

Ferrell can get down to his BVDs and still be happily married, raise money for cancer charities, and play the straight man in movies like Stranger Than Fiction. We know that Michael Fassbender is not actually the sex addict he portrayed in Shame in the same way that we know that he doesn’t actually have the capability to manipulate metal with his mind possessed by another one of his characters, X-Men‘s Magneto.

But with actresses, that division appears to be less certain. If a woman takes off her top in a movie, much less baring it all, Mr. Skin and his ilk will be there to catalogue it to make sure people who only want to see her as, in the parlance of that site, “breasts, butt, bush, underwear, sexy,” can skip the parts of her performance that would give her character humanity and context, and would remind us that she’s a woman playing a part. The movies Ashley Judd’s taken her clothes off in tend to have that kind of context, whether she’s playing a woman in love with a mentally ill man who claims to be a veteran in Bug or in Norma Jean and Marilyn, a biopic of Marilyn Monroe, a woman who, in real life, was devoured by audiences’ inability to see both her body and her mind simultaneously. If an actress goes nude for roles frequently, as, say, Lena Dunham has, she’s likely to be the subject of speculation about whether she’s some sort of exhibitionist, rather than whether her nudity enhances her roles, as if there’s no possible creative reason she could have for taking off her clothes or doing sex scenes. It’s a bizarre suspension of logic that applies to all other on-screen actions: no one thinks that Judd’s been married to a southern lawyer pulled into a racially-tinged trial, as she was in Time To Kill, or that she’s killed the ex-husband who framed her for murder as she did in Double Jeopardy, or gives her credit for knowing how Washington and politics work because she’s playing the First Lady in the forthcoming Olympus Has Fallen.

Attacking Judd for her nude scenes is part and parcel of the right’s current strategy to discredit promising female advocates. Like Rush Limbaugh’s attacks on Sandra Fluke, the Caller’s attempts to impugn Judd as an exhibitionist are an attempt to make her seem less serious by impugning her sexual chastity (that this tactic remains in the playbook is a whole other world of crazy). But the evidence is even more specious and pathetic here. Fluke, who became engaged shortly after enduring nationally-broadcast attacks on her character, stumped for birth control access in the real world. Judd took her clothes off as part of fiction. The Daily Caller may not know the difference, but voters do. And Judd, who already knows a thing or two about the insanity of media scrutiny, is getting a real, and sadly valuable education in what you have to be willing to take if you want to be active in American public life as a woman.

* Saddens me how low GOP have stooped to gain and maintain traction among white conservative constituency - many still stuck with the-others-are-out-to-get-me mentality (hence the obsessive support for gun ownership). There is no two ways about it. We have lost the votes of the minorities; soon to be majority in the many of the States. Somehow we need to rein in the idiotic and ignorant fundamentalist branch of the party and let the fiscal conservatives to thrive again. To clear out spineless fools like Boehner, McConell and assholes in shape of Paul Ryan with that Ayn Rand crap (the only place for that ideologue is in fantasy realm as Terry Goodkind excellent novels demonstrated) and Eric Cantor with his creepy smirks. Don’t let me start on those Tea Party morons. While I’m impressed with the unified conformity (very Borg-like) by Republicans in resisting any proposals from the left, it leads to nowhere particularly when you want to win the 2016 election. It’s pointless to win the battle (state and district elections) when ultimately you lose the war. I think I mentioned it before about learning the hard way in resisting winds of change. Either you accept the inevitable change that’s coming your way or be prepared to get it shoved down your throat. The sequestration will affect everyone including the middle and upper white class. Trust me on that.


Why do the Japanese Work Such Long Hours?

The Japanese word “karoushi”, meaning “death from overwork”, is a term that has gained recognition across the globe and is arguably testimony to the zeal with which many Japanese people carry out their work. Westerners observing Japan’s high standard of living and yet long labour hours often struggle to fully comprehend the Japanese mindset. The prevailing ideology for many in the west is that we “work to live”, in Japan, however, many appear to live to work. 

In an article over on our Japanese sister site Pouch, writer Panta discusses why this might be:
Clearly taken aback by Japan’s work ethics, a friend of mine from France once said to me, “Why do Japanese like working so hard? I find the idea of going to work on the weekend quite amazing.” Admittedly, many people across the globe share the same view and see the Japanese as a people of integrity and dedicated to their jobs. But looking at it from a different perspective, it is possible to say that as a nation the Japanese work a little too hard. Just what motivates Japanese people to work such long hours

In the west, is working long hours a sign of incompetence?
One of the fundamental reasons that working long hours has established such a foothold in Japanese society has to do with the idea that rest equals idleness. Consequently, it is thought that working without a break is testimony to one’s diligent and hardworking attitude. It is not unusual to hear staff boast of the long hours they’ve worked, with such a line as,
“Recently you won’t believe how busy I’ve been with work. Take yesterday for example. I only managed to get a total of three hours sleep.”

However, from a western viewpoint, it is looked upon rather negatively to work long hours without a break. The reason for this is that working excessively long hours is thought to be a sign of inefficiency; those unable to work efficiently have to make up lost time by extending the hours they work. Going by this principle, hearing that someone only managed to get three hours of sleep due to work commitments suggests a lack of ability or time management skills. For this reason, it is considered that the shorter working hours of the west is rather a mark of efficient working conditions.

Paid holiday when one wants without the constant feelings of awkwardness.
I’m not saying that the Japanese should adopt the western style of thinking. What I do feel would be beneficial however is that the working environment be tailored in a way that allows workers to take paid holiday without being made to think they are burdening fellow workers. This, I believe, will in turn lead to a more productive and fruitful society.

A while ago I met up with a friend whom I knew from high school. She is now a full-time employee at a company; however she mentioned that she only gets a total of seven days off per month. The annual paid holiday isn’t much better either, coming in at a total of three consecutive days. What’s sad about all of this is that during our high school days, she always had an interest in traveling abroad, but under the current circumstances doing so is close to impossible. Nowadays, a trip to a local hot spring is about as far afield as she’s able to venture.

The same friend commented,
“Working this hard without taking a break creates a lot of stress and only serves to hinder one’s working spirit. What’s more, your body gets run down and your ability to do the job at hand decreases. Ultimately this all leads to further stress. It is indeed a vicious circle.”
Like many Japanese workers, this friend of mine is perfectly entitled to a much longer holiday. Nevertheless, Japanese staff asking to take all of their paid leave at once are met with a frosty reception. On the one hand, most employees want to take a long holiday and go abroad, but the friction that doing so creates among co-workers is just too much of a deterrent. I really feel that Japan needs to create a working environment in which one can take time off when they want, without the current feelings of guilt.

These attitudes towards work ethics may not change overnight but by altering the way we think about taking personal holidays, gradually the idea that “holiday = efficient workers” can be promoted in a positive way. With staff taking a holiday and refreshing themselves, it is arguably possible to increase the overall workforce’s efficiency.

(Original article by Panta from Pouch)


Jeff Bewkes Says Pay TV Providers Have No Reason To Fear Cord Cutting

Don’t tell the Time Warner CEO that cable and satellite subscribers are fed up with rising prices, and tempted to replace them with some combination of free TV and Web services such as Netflix. Pay TV is “getting to be a better deal for consumers and a better deal in the opinion of consumers,” Jeff Bewkes told investors at the Deutsche Bank Media, Internet and Telecom conference. “Even in this recession, you don’t have cord cutting.” What’s more, TV viewing is up at a time when “you have increases in the quality and programming budgets of all these networks.”

When companies including Time Warner Cable and Dish Network offer low priced packages with relatively few channels “nobody buys them.” And TV Everywhere will make consumers more attached to pay TV. “It’s all going on demand, on every Internet device you have for free because you have a subscription.” What if he’s wrong, and consumers want something cheaper? Time Warner will still be fine, Bewkes says. “We all know that the reason [prices are] up is the sports fee, it’s not anything else. Half of citizens don’t want that.”

But 90% of his company’s affiliate fees come from four networks including TNT and TBS that are built around entertainment. If consumers want bundles without sports then “we’ll be in their bundles.” And low priced offerings would lower the threshold for subscribers to also subscribe to HBO. “That would be great for HBO,” Bewkes says.

He’s also not concerned that Web streaming services will pose a serious threat — even though he says that Netflix’ political drama House Of Cards is “pretty good.” The Internet company and others including Amazon and Hulu “can’t afford to buy all of the live programming” or popular, non-serialized syndicated shows such as sitcoms that drive TV ratings. “You know the numbers. They can’t go that far.” If the newcomers do become more powerful, Time Warner could adapt — even if it meant giving up the $350M it collected last year from subscription VOD. “These contracts are short term, so they can be recalibrated,” he says. Could he envision a day when Time Warner networks go online? “It would have to be economically accretive to us,” he says. “And so far, nobody’s done it.”


* who is this gorgeous babe with incredible voice? I'm in love.....

Sumire - "Season in the Sun" (90sec ver.)


Miss Russia 2013 pageant hit by scandal

This year’s Miss Russia beauty competition has ended successfully, despite a series of scandals which overshadowed proceedings.

The discovery of photographs of some of the contestants posing nude plus a sex tape involving others led to several disqualifications.

Eighteen-year old Elmira Abdrazakova, a student from the Siberian Railways University won the title.

A native of Siberian city of Mezhdurechensk, Abdrazakova said she did not expect to take first place: “It’s a miracle that I can’t even believe.”

She also overcame the handicap of not being used to walking in high heels: “For me, the most difficult part, probably, is the heels, because I’m not a professional model, and I have never seriously walked in heels. And in my life, unfortunately, I didn’t wear heels. And now, my legs are aching. It’s a terrible thing.”

She will have to get used to them as she now goes on to represent Russia in the Miss Universe and Miss World pageants.


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