Friday, February 20, 2009

Ann Coulter on CNN

On CNN’s Larry King Live tonight, Ann Coulter expressed that the appearance of Rush Limbaugh running the Republican Party in recent weeks was an excellent thing.

Condoning more of the viscous partisanship and unpatriotic intolerance of any policy not generated by Republican-means as an outright impassable bill. This constitutes a complete breakdown of debate and any further progression toward any goal.

She also contends that someone who is a New York Times Best-seller couldn’t possibly be someone who is hated in America. I wish I could walk some high-road on this but I’ve uttered these exact words aloud many times. I hate that extremist wing-nut calling herself a conservative when she is more a nationalist than anything else.

I tryto hate the viewpoint and not the person but this brand of character makes it extra difficult for even the mellow-tempered group, whom I have never claimed to be a member of anyway.

She wants all of America to believe that the size of Limbaugh’s daily audience as well as her own book sales in combination are proof of a conservative majority that agrees with her and not with Obama or any of the Democrats. Anyone who knows about modern media knows that you can’t judge public opinion by simple things like ratings or sales of specific materials. It gives a general idea of what people wish to read or hear about but is not in any way affirming the policies or agendas expressed in the material itself. (A side-note: Limbaugh generates roughly 20 million listeners a show which is an incredible number but compare it the roughly 16 million listeners a show for Coast to Coast AM; a paranormal, philosophical, scientific and investigation oriented program which remains somewhat apolitical to this day. You can also use these same numbers to see that only a small percentage of Americans even listen to any radio programming on any given day.)

Public opinion is always somewhat intangible and fiends like Coulter always seek to twist it to fit into their politics. Even in the absence of facts.

This woman is one of the most obvious ‘political shock-jocks’ out there and even I have to step back and just laugh at this silly woman from time to time. She enrages me, she irritates me, she lies at us all and then smiles. But at the end of day she is just spouting old rhetoric from by-gone eras of the enemy being the ‘commie liberals’ and a return to the days of McCarthyism.

May her distain for Americans be recorded and may her hatred for our country and its values be seen by all who think her worth their time. If anyone not of her party does anything it is bad for America and she practically admits exactly that. This is anti-Americanism and if I have to explain that to anyone, they are disrespecting the Founding of this nation and the blood shed to see us free from the yoke of tyranny.

Let it be known, this level of misinformation and slander quickly escalates past idle commentary and into the realms of criminal activity as we demonize real people with real lives. The whirlpool of refutable statistics and broad generalizations coming from this unseasoned wench is some of the worst American politics has to offer.

I do not claim any level of innocence in this. I am as guilty as she is for as much as responding to this nonsense.

As long she and I can roll around in the mud of politics together then I have no complaints. But this woman tries to get fresh before you finish reading the first two words of the title of her book. I can write slam pieces on conservatives and try to publish them but I don’t view it as constructive use of my time as a writer in any way. She honestly wants America to believe she really believes even half the garbage she prints and says.

Also she said something to the extent of a real man being a ‘conservative-man.’ I think your average ‘conservative-man’ is too frightened of goons and gays to please any real woman. She will remain unsatisfied with her sex life until she gets back to dating liberals again. If she puts a bag over her head I’ll take her out to diner.

“The numbers are in.” Republicans who buy this brand of garbage are misinformed, racist, sexist or anti-American.
Buy my books! They are called The Military Code of Conduct, The Bill of Rights and The Geneva Convention to finish it up.

Interesting how to learn my perspective on national affairs you don’t end up filling up my bank account in the process.

Eric Lightborn
February 19th 2009

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