Saturday, February 21, 2009

Attorney General Eric Holder on Race

I have never presumed to have any more means by which to judge of others but by their actions and their words, just like any other man. For my part I take a rather wide surveillance of the modern American media and open-outlets of public opinion that is simply an attempt to balance my own politics and avoid misinformation.

In the process of this I have long known what Holder said so frankly to the American public yesterday to be a simple fact of American life.

The greatest of comedians help us laugh about the differences between us and the greatest of dividers desire us to hate each other for the same differences.

I always attempt to speak within my own experience as often as possible and I am doing just that when I say I have personally encountered racism in my life in the form of Neo-Nazi groups approaching me.

I am blonde hair and blue eyes so these misguided individuals saw me as a ‘good catch’ when was an adolescent.

I am disgusted every time I hear people speak the perspective that we have conjured the race issue or that America has all-but completely balanced racial tensions.

In a free society there is no other compromise than to allow the pro-segregation or groups like these Neo-Nazis to exist in so far as The Freedom of Speech allows, but not many Americans today understand that it means to look one these individuals right in eye and tell him you don’t agree with the prejudiced statements they made.

I have never said that racism is isolated to white racism and the reality of racism in all the colors is present. Personally I do not try to keep some grand tally of how much racism is in each group at any given time, due to fact that all racism is founded in same place of ignorance and hate.

Even in risking my life to disagree with real life racists in rare instances I would still call myself a coward as Holder suggests. I have very little to speak on outside of my own comfort zone regarding race and politics.

I am certainly prone to the overreaction and quick accusations of racial motives but in my case it is at times just previous experiences shading my perception. This was foremost in my mind as I first saw this now political hot-potato New York Post cartoon of a gunned down chimp associated with authoring the stimulus.

I still see this image at the top of this post as racially influenced and designed to degrade Black Americans.

Not Congress or the Speaker of the House. As the cartoonist has since implied.

Eric Lightborn
February 20th 2009

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