Saturday, June 30, 2012

Brave Review

So, we went to see the new flick from Disney/Pixar this week.  Here's my thoughts on it. Brave is not a bad movie.  It looks gorgeous and does everything that you expect Disney and Pixar to bring to the table, great sound, top shelf voice acting, and a wholesome story that attempts to pull at the strings to you heart.  Brave does all that just fine. The thing about Brave is it doesn't stick with you the way that most other works from Pixar does.  As cute and fun as the movie is it just doesn't leave me overly excited about watching the movie again or with overly fond memories and a feeling of having just watched a movie that gave me something I haven't seen before.  It's cute, it's often funny and you have kids it is a probably going to be the movie to see of the summer (assuming your kids aren't ready for The Avengers or Spiderman) but in all honesty the main thing I took from the movie was the lesson that if my mother pisses me off it is ok for me to have a witch transform her into a bear.

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