Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Prometheus Review

Prometheus-in a way this movie was pretty much exactly what I expected but that is not a bad thing. I had set my expectations really high for Prometheus and its nice to not leave a film feeling let down. This film is what a prequel should be. The cinematography was excellent, the movie was well casted and well acted. The film does a really good job of giving you a planet that really didn't have  a feeling of an unbelievable culture that would be absolutely ridiculous to think that any species would live there. Rather it felt like we went back in time a little bit and were exploring ruins of a more ancient culture.  Even though we weren't given a big drawn out explanation of the beings that called this planet home it felt like we were watching a very deep rich culture and that we barely scratched the surface of what this culture was.  Prometheus leaves you wanting more in a very good way.

My only disappointment with Prometheus was that the movie never scared me, it never gave me that hopeless lost in space impending doom feeling that I was hoping to get and honestly have not had since Alien.  That is not to say that the cast didn't do well, they were pretty good.   That being said the only characters that got any sort of development were Elizabeth, Charlie, and of course David.  Honestly if they had just left Charlize Theron out of this movie all together I wouldn't have missed her at all, that's how little she really contributed to the story.  But the lack of development doesn't hurt the movie at all, it's actually one of the rare cases where it might have made the movie better, let us focus on the weird sci-fi stuff that we came to see with out mucking around with a back story to a pilot that is really quite replaceable, ok cool.

 Fassbender as David was amazing, knocked it right out of the park.  He's one of those characters that is so interesting that he  really deserves some kind of award for this award but of course won't even get nominated because of the genre of the film.  Fassbender is just trusting enough to want to have an android of that sort around in day to day life but just creepy enough to remind you that he is a robot and does not think with stupid things like emotion and all that bullshit.  He walks the like of friend and foe so delicately in the movie and dominates the screen whenever his character is in frame.  I like Fassbender, and I have been waiting for him to do another movie since Inglorious Bastards or 300 that justifies me liking him and this one does it.  It shows that he can be much more than just a bit player in a bigger story.

Sci-Fi, when it's done right, is easily my favorite genre in film.  Sadly it is rare that movies even get close to what I want to see. Prometheus might be the best science fiction film I have seen in the last decade.   It feels like the science fiction of old that we all loved and want more of but still taking advantage of the effects that are available now to make the best possible look and feel for the story.   Anyone who likes science fiction should see this movie and see it in a theater, you will not leave disappointed; in a summer that has already given us The Avengers and with The Dark Knight Rises just gearing up for release Prometheus stands out, and even with Tarantino and Peter Jackson putting out new films this year Prometheus is my early pick for the best film of 2012. 

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