Saturday, June 16, 2012

Coming Soon: The Justice League

Well for better or worse its happening, were getting a justice league movie. After the success that The Avengers had and the continued success of Batman who can really say that they are all that surprised, surely not me, however I am pretty skeptical about how a movie like this can be brought to film and not turn out like a piece of shit, far more concerned than when it was announced that The Avengers were going to the silver screen.  Bottom line here is I don't know how you bring all the characters of the Justice League together in a 2-3 hour movie and have it make any god damn sense. Obviously were not likely to see all the characters of The Justice League but the following is my opinion of what characters should be in the movie and what I want to see happen with these characters before we try to dive into a Justice League movie. 


Superman might be one of my least favorite all around comic book characters, but lets face it you can't have The Justice League without him, doesn't work.  Also we are already getting another reboot of The Superman story anyway so now is the time for the powers that be at DC to start building us up for The Justice League movie.  It just came out this week that this new Superman is part of a lead up to The Justice League movie, which is interesting because that movie has been in development far longer than this Superman movie, so hopefully whatever lead in with this movie is well thought out and written into the story and not just tacked on because they want to hit the market while the market is hot for superhero teams 


Chris Nolan has probably done more for comic book movies than any other director that has come before him, he was able to take Batman, humanize him and make him an even stronger and more legitimate superhero for the modern age.  Its to the point where if you think "Comic Book" for most people "Batman" is one of their first thoughts.  That being said Nolan has also depicted Batman as a very lone wolf type of character, to be honest I just can't see Nolan's Batman working with the Justice League (although it would be hilarious to see Christian Bale and his 3 pack a day Batman voice having ANY conversation with Aquaman).  So were probably going to need to see a reboot of Batman... again... to make him more of, for lack of better wording, a team player.  I really think they need to find a happy medium between Christian Bale punch your face Batman and Adam West world wide do-gooder Batman and how you achieve that I have no ideas at the moment. Nolan has already come out and say he is done with Batman after The Dark Knight Rises so again the timing fits to put in yet another reboot but for the love of god lets stay away from the likes of Batman Forever. 

Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman is the third character with a script floating around out there that absolutely needs to be in The Justice League.  Now I have never read a Wonder Woman comic, shoot me, so I'm not going to waste time in what I would like to see this character be. Rather I'm just going to say what I don't want her to be.  I do not want to see Wonder Woman turn out like Elektra or Catwoman and I do not want to see her played by a WWE diva.  Please find a way to do her justice with out making her look like a roided out maniac who happens to have an invisible plane. Other than that I'm not to concerned with Wonder Woman.

Green Lantern

Green Lantern was a bad movie. That's it. So now, like The Hulk, DC has the chore of making me like, or more accurately, give a damn about watching another movie with this character in it again.  Step 1, no Ryan Renyolds; the guy is comic book movie kryptonite.  I have hated every comic movie he has been in so someone just needs to stop him.  Bury him alive if you have too, tell him your just doing a re-shoot. I want to like Green Lantern so please just scrap it and start from scratch. 

The Flash

We haven't even heard a whisper about The Flash on film yet so this one is set up perfect to gear us up for The Justice League movie.  This one comes off like Thor was when we were gearing up for The Avengers.  As long as the movie doesn't star Ryan Reynolds and doesn't end up like Green Lantern's first attempt at theater glory.  Give us an origin and some sort of link or lead up to JLA and I'll be happy.


I'm probably going to hear it with this one but love him or hate him I can't think of The Justice League without thinking of Aquaman.  So is Aquaman a character that can get people into a box office on his own? Somehow I doubt it, at least not with out casting the biggest "it" name actor to play the lead and even then it be a long shot at best.  Maybe Aquaman can get the Hawkeye treatment and get added in without having the pre movie movie. No matter how you put him in, if they put him in, he will be hands down the hardest comic book character to get people to like and want to see.  Red Skull was easier to write for. 

The last thing that I can't figure out is how do you bring all these characters together in one central location?  I know I have done a lot of comparing this to The Avengers but I feel that its a valid comparison, in the Marvel wold for the most part all the characters have a common stomping ground of New York City.  Now JLA comics can set up a location how ever they want and I don't have a problem with it, however I'm not sure they will be able to take a location, like Metropolis for example, and just plop in Aquaman, Batman, and so on.  Maybe they can show up on The Justice League Party Bus blaring "I'm sexy and I know it".  Regardless it will be interesting to see how it pans out.  Luckily we live in a day and age where I will have plenty of opportunities to spoil this movie for myself before its release, which I usually try to avoid, hopefully when we start seeing trailers for this movie it will peak my interest and excitement enough to no ruin the flick for myself.

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