Thursday, July 26, 2012

Goon: Review

Goon is the story of a guy off the streets who is given a pair of skates and thrown on the ice overnight to become the next great hockey enforcer.  In its simplest terms that's what the movie is, however it's really so much better than that.   Goon does a great job of being completely brutal and punishing while still quenching my blood lust for hockey during the off season. Sean Williams Scott is our super star Goon,  the asshole on the ice that you love, as long as he's wearing the right sweater.   His character developed seemingly overnight which really isn't a problem, Goon doesn't require a 20 minute Rockey-esqe training montage and in all honesty it would probably work against the movie. Goon skips the bullshit and crosses the blue line right into the good stuff, hockey.   Aside from hockey you also get a relatively cute love story and a coming of age team/male bonding story, laced with blood and teeth.  Anyone who likes the sport should really watch this flick.  It's funny and intense but doesn't take itself to seriously. It's up there with Slap-shot as not only one of the best hockey movies out there but also one of the better sports movies to date.

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