Friday, July 27, 2012

Hello Kitty - Ladies Night

Last monday I went to SET Genki Tei Japanese Casual restaurant for a Hello Kitty Ladies Night. I was invited by a sweet friend of mine who also works there. The event was for everyone who's interested in Hello Kitty or just wanted a fun ladies night out. The tickets for entering the event were only 2,50 euro's. So,  that's not bad at all! 

I will show you some pictures of that day:

She invited me :3

The food was very cheap and delicious!


Me eating someeeeeeesomesome

Cool decoration in the restaurant

You could get a temporary tattoo of Hello Kitty of course ^__^

All the waitresses were dressed like this. Very cute.

Even the restroom was cute. But it's always like that. Feeling all girly every time you walk in there hehe.

Look in the right corner below. Hahaha cute little girl was looking curiously at what we were doing.

 More food!!!

Sake. Very girly sake if you ask me hehe.

Delicious and cute!

There was a contest on who design the best cookie. Check it out here: Vote for 31 or 32 please!  :D I think you have to like the page first.. If you don't have problems with that. 

After making these cookies we threw them away. It didn't taste that good with all the decoration on it XD.

Getting a liptattoo. The idea of it of was super. But unfortunately it didn't stick so good on my lips. 

They first put on a sort of glue onto your lips. After it dries for a bit they get a long strip with the color that you prefer and stick it onto your lips. Then they pull it of just like you are waxing and the results should be like the lady you see right between the arms of the girl on the picture, lol.

At the end of the night they gave a goodie bag. This what was in it:

I already ate the chocolate that was in there lol. Found some advertisement in the bag as well.

At 9 o'clock there was a fashion show. I don't have pictures of it... But is was okee, not really my personal taste, but there were some pieces that I was fond of. Aslo, something embarrassing happened during the fashion show. No, not by one of the models...... I was standing there minding my own business, drinking my drink, looking at the fashion show. Then I nonchalantly took a zip of my drink and I choked X__X. It was very awkward, because it was almost silent during the show and I was like: *COUGH COUGH COUH cough cough COUGH*  x_____x.....

But overall it was a great and fun night :).This was the first time this was organized and I hope they keep on doing it. 

Thanks for reading and hope to visit my blog next time! For more fun visit my youtube channel:

Bubaaay !!!!

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