Monday, July 30, 2012

Sneak-peak-Cosplay & BF gifts

In one of my previous blogpost I said that for Abunaicon my cosplay is going to be: Miss fortune from League of Legends (read: this). I'm already busy with making my costume. Now I don't really have a lot done yet, because I need a lot of fabric to complete the outfit. When my outfit is done I'm going to make the attributes. Like the guns and gigantic hat she wears. 

A few weeks ago my wig and circle lenses were delivered. The wig is pretty good. Very long, what I loooveeee. I really want long hair like that T__T. The circle lenses are from . I ordered the Candy green ones from EOS. I'm going to make a review on them soon. Actually I don't know the eye color of Miss Fortune, but I thought green eyes always fit red hair. 

I've only upgraded the bra a bit. It had pink colors, but now only white and brown. It's going to look like this:

Bit blurry sawwy.

The pants that I am wearing are leather pants. I only need to color them with a brown textile paint. Here are some sneak peak pictures:

It's going to get much better then this hehehehe.

Change of subject.

My boyfriend went to Paris with his family for a few days. He had a great time. He brought me some gifts that I really didn't expect at all!

This is something typically French. Their called Macarons. I never have eaten them so this would be my first time! 

They look very delicious :3. 


This is an example why I hate my camera. I just can't get it to focus correctly. Even trying macro en close up stands just aren't working. Gaaaaaaay. I have a nikon coolpix thingie so if you have the solution for it, please tell me :)

A New Era cap. Love the color.

A time ago he gave me some hello kitty items:

I wanted this hello kitty mouse for soooo long! Sorry for the hair on it LOL. But it's so cute omg omg omg!

It even gives light. Super awesome.

Hello kitty nerdie glasses. 

And he gave me hello kitty earings. Didn't make a picture of them yet, but they are pretty similar to this pic.

After all the cuddling and snuggling we order pizza and B&J. I didn't eat pizza, only the icecream hehehe. We watched Uncertainty. This was my second time, but now I understand the movie more. 

Thanks for reading! Hope you liked it^^ <3

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