Monday, July 2, 2012


On the 27th of may I went to the Japanmarkt in Leiden. I never went before, so I was kind of excited of what I could encounter there. 

The event was organized by SieboldHuis. A museum in Leiden, where I blogged about quit a while ago (see Hello Kitty museum). Every year they create a place where everybody who loves the Japanese culture can come and explore all kinds of nice things. This celebration of the Japanese culture is in memory of the visit from a Japanese emperor back in the year 2000.

Here is a tiny ini-mini video I posted of this event. I was there around 4 o'clock and the event ended at 5 o'clock sooooo I was a tad late hehe. But enjoy please:

Please subscribe to my channel for more fun video's! 

Here are some pictures that I took:

 Boyfriend couldn't resist

I bought this cute cardholder :3

I hope you liked the pictures and got yourself interested in visiting the Japanmarkt next year!

Thanks for reading ^___^! 

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