Sunday, July 1, 2012

Japanese new trend tattoo tights

Since a while there is a new trend in Japanese fashion, skin colored tights with tattoo images on it.
You can find them in any fashion store in Japan and I am sure almost every girl owns at least one
pair at the moment.
They are mostly seen worn in Harajuku.
It is a fun way to make your outfit extra special and without getting a actual tattoo.

I decided to order my self a pair from the Japanese brand Avantgarde.
Unfortunately they don't ship world wide,
but I am lucky to have friends in Japan who can send it to me.


I wore the tights a few days ago when I went shopping with a friend, you cannot believe
how many stares I got, I did not realize people don't know these tattoo tights in Holland.
At one point a guy asked me if it was a actual tattoo or if I drew them on my legs,
I told him they are tights, and he was very surprised.

So outside Japan you are sure to have an eye catching item! 
If you can get your hands on a pair be sure to get them!

As a substitute you could try these tights by Wolford.
I am sure Wolford is sold in a lot of countries.
I got these two in sale, so they were around 23 euro each.
The Avantgarde tights were about the same price.

*click the image to see it bigger*

Here are some pictures of Japanese girls wearing the tights.
Pictures by Japanese streets.

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