Sunday, July 1, 2012

New Castle Summer Ale

New Castle Brown Ale is delicious; it holds a special place for me as one of the beers that got me off the path of swill like Budwseiser and Miller and proved to me that beer can be so much better. For years I went through life without ever thinking that New Castle needed to provide more to me than their brown ale. Apparently New Castle had a different opinion on that.  Enter New Castle Summer Ale.  Damn does this stuff suck,  there really nothing overly positive I can say about this beer.  It's over priced over filtered un flavorful and all around a bad beer experience. I don't even know what possessed me to buy 6 bottles of this crap.  If you really want to try it I have 3 bottles left that I'd be willing to part with but do yourself a favor and find a better summer brew to invest in.

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