Tuesday, August 7, 2012

A Super Nice Day

I woke up and saw bright lights shining through my curtains. Aaaah, I already knew it was going to be a great day. I had a whole day planned out so it was time to get up!

First we went to Pijnacker.

Making selfshots in the car lol.
 Black and white.

Here we met with some friends to pick them up. 

In pijnacker we had some secret business to do, can't tell what. Muahaha.

 Looking like a fatass in the reflection.

This is my mothers favorite flower. That's why I made the pictures of it hehe. Ortensia I thinks it's called. 

Luckily the weather was so nice and the sun was shining the whole time. I really get happy from the sun. It's like as if it is regenerating me and giving me more energy ^__^. 

 Enough pictures of me lol.

Our next stop: Zoetermeer. We just walked a bit and looked around. It's not a big shopping area, but we weren't there for shopping really.

I saw a cute blazer. Wondering if I should buy it.. 

Now, when I look at the pictures I'm thinking: WHY didn't I buy it XD?!

My friend ( check out her blog here!snapped me out of it, so she saved my money hehe.

Cute huh? Too bad that freaking thingie is hanging in front of my camera.

After walking that much we started to get very hungry. So we decided to find a good restaurant to eat LOT,  but stay in budget.

When we arrived in The Hague we drove past a circus. They had their elephants standing outside O_O. Without hesitation we went for a closer look. 

Very close huhhhh? :D

A little bit of scenery in The Hague.

After entering and leaving a few restaurants we finally sat down and ate some fooooood <3. I didn't make more pictures, because I was too hungry. 

This was just a very random post again. In the future I will post more girly and interesting things okee la? Next post will be a tiny make-up and nailpolish haul.

Thanks for reading! 


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