Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Fireworks - Scheveningen

Hello there! I have been away for a while again, sorry for that. But here I am and finally posting again. I have been quite busy lately, but I tried to capture a lot of fun things on my camera and I am willing to share it with you. :)

The past weekend I went to Scheveningen with a bunch of friends. It was a lovely day and the sky was so clear and blue. Before I went to Scheveningen I first went to "De Haagse Markt" here in The Hague. I was looking for fabrics for my cosplay outfit ^__^! I found what I was looking for luckily and some more hehehe.

I bought shoes there. They really caught my eyes *_*<3.

Afterwards I went home to change. Then me and my bf went to pick up some friends, because we were heading to Scheveningen. We met up with others and enjoyed our nice evening. Here is a video of that day:

It's not a good edited video. I had to make it again and again because my laptop crashed. Didn't feel like making a video of it anymore lol. But then I found the spirit and made it anywayssss.

Here are some pictures:

Us sitting at a lounge.

 The place were we watched the fireworks.

We all were wearing red for somehow. We didn't arrange something on everybody wearing red. Coincidence?

We looked like a dance crew indeed! LOL. 

I enjoyed this evening a lot. It was really fun and we laughed a lot. A perfect summer night.

Thanks for reading ^__^! Have a great night :)

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