Tuesday, August 28, 2012

stars, sex and nudity buzz : 08/28/2012

The Next Big Thing : 5 Things To Know About Actress  
Dreama Walker 

Have you heard of Dreama Walker? If you haven’t you will soon. That’s because Dreama is the star of the new indie flick “Compliance,” where she stars as Becky, a fast food employee who unwittingly gets caught up in a prank call scam. Her performance is delicate, naturalistic and very, very good.
If you miss her in “Compliance” (which don’t — it’s definitely worth seeing), you can also catch her in the ABC sitcom “Don’t Trust The B— In Apartment 23,” and in the upcoming movies “The Kitchen” and “Chlorine.”
So what should you know about Dreama?

1. One of her first roles was playing Clint Eastwood’s granddaughter in “Gran Torino.” She said of the experience:
“I thought it was a glitch and some sort of mistake and I didn’t know how I got that part and I didn’t know why or how he wouldn’t have cast somebody that was more well known. But it was an extremely cool experience. He is just so easy and so wonderful to work with and for. His team, he uses the same crew essentially he has for the last 20 years and they’re just a machine, an amazing machine and it’s like 9 to 5 days. Everyone couldn’t be nicer and is just so efficient and good at their job. So it was a fantastic experience and of course he’s just a super cool dude. So that was awesome and I remember being like, ‘Well, this is it. This is over.’ My dad still is like, ‘Well, what’s going on now, Dreama? You should call up Clint and see if he’s got anything else.’ I’m like, ‘It doesn’t work like that, daddy. That’s not how it happens.‘”
2. She’s now on “Don’t Trust the B—- in Apt. 23,” but you better never call her a bitch. “As a woman, it’s certainly not my favorite word, but in this sense, (Chloe) is an assertive, super-get-ahead, take-charge woman,” Walker said of the show. “When women take on the role of a man, sometimes they’ll get called that word. Chloe puts herself first and she’s selfish, but it’s not meant to be bad at all.”

3. She spent a few seasons as a member of Blair Waldorf’s posse on “Gossip Girl.” From 2008-2009, Dreama played Hazel on the hit CW show, bouncing back and forth between being loyal to Blair and poor teen fashion designer Jenny Humphrey.

4. She was nominated for a Teen Choice Award for “Female Breakout Star.” For her role on “Don’t Trust The B—- in Apt. 23.”

5. She supports marriage equality. She was in a promotional video for the Human Rights Campaign’s Americans For Marriage Equality campaign.

“Hunted” Episode 1 Preview
Written by Connor Beaton

Hunted presents all the elements of an action-packed television thriller in its first half hour, then ends in a way that suggests something with more substance could soon emerge. Main character Samantha Hunter (Melissa George) is a ruthless agent working at the sort of intelligence firm whose existence would be a conspiracy theorist’s wet dream; her first job shows her undercover as an organised criminal’s girlfriend and being “assassinated” in front of him, giving her the opportunity to rescue a doctor he’s detained for torture. The procedure’s pulled off with as much finesse as in any big-budget blockbuster, but understandably these scenes aren’t the bulk of the first episode’s action.

Instead, we struggle with convoluted character dynamics; she’s assaulted by hired goons and suspects Aidan (Adam Rayner), her boyfriend and colleague, of selling her out. She then spends a year in isolation before returning for another undercover role, this time as an American school-teacher. She impresses an industrial mogul during a staged rescue scene to the extent that he hires her as his son’s live-in tutor, giving her many opportunities to spy on his movements. The first season of the programme will probably follow her in this role: there’s so much focus on character development in the latter half of the pilot that it wouldn’t surprise me to see the flashy moments abdicate and for dialogue-driven drama to take the lime-light.

While there’s a reasonable distribution of clichés in this pilot, unanswered questions from Sam’s childhood flashbacks and the challenging themes on which we briefly touch might make for more mature subject matter than one might expect from The X-Files’ former head writer, Frank Spotnitz. Even as part of her disguise, her protectiveness of her new ward demonstrates her pain from having lost a child. The pilot obviously doesn’t give too much away, but there’s a wide range of possibilities that can be explored here, and the “next time…” montage instilled a reasonable degree of confidence. The cast is talented and the premise is sound enough, but Hunted could really go either way from here. I’d keep an eye on it.

Kate Upton : photoshoot for Skullcandy headphones
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Ashley Benson's Pretty Little Interview
The 22-year-old starlet may be known for playing one of the prettiest liars on TV, but there’s much more to her than meets the eye.
Find out what Ash told us about her edgy new role in Spring Breakers 

JJJ: Earlier this year you wrapped up your upcoming movie, Spring Breakers, was it fun to branch out from your PLL character?
AB: Yeah, it was. It was such an awesome experience. It was very different from anything I’ve done, obviously. It’s more edgy and it’s a little bit darker and I just play an insane character, but it was fun because I always play the same characters throughout my career and this is one that I really invested time in. It was just a good script and to work with Harmony was awesome and the cast was amazing! It was really fun!

JJJ: Did you have a favorite scene to shoot?
AB: I think all the scenes were pretty fun. I got to carry a gun a lot, so doing a lot of the robbing scenes was probably the most fun.

JJJ: Are you more excited or nervous for people to see it?
AB: I’m really excited for people to see it. I think it’s going to shock a lot of people. My fans are generally teenagers or younger, so obviously a lot of them can’t see it, but the ones who do see it I think they’re going to really like it. It’s definitely a shocking movie, but it’s done in a really great way.

JJJ: Will you and the cast be going to the Venice Film Festival?
AB: Yeah, we’ll go to Venice at the end of this month for the film festival, then we go to the Toronto film festival, so we’re premiering it very soon. I can’t wait!

JJJ: Have you seen the film yet?
AB: I mean I’ve seen the movie and it’s absolutely amazing, but I can’t wait to see it with people around so I can see their reactions so I’m very excited!

JJJ: What did you, Selena Gomez, and Vanessa Hudgens do for fun when you weren’t working on SB?
AB: We were shooting in Florida and it was super boring. We were filming in a town that had a few places to go, but they were more for older people (laughs) so we would go to dinner and hang out in our hotel rooms and stuff. We didn’t really do much. We were working on weekends, so we didn’t get a lot of time off, we found this really cool vintage store that me and Vanessa went to a lot.

JJJ: Were you ever uncomfortable being a bathing suit so much for the flick?
AB: Yeah, I was super nervous before I got the movie I was worried about it. I talked to Harmony about it and he was like, “There’s no need to stress out. You guys are college students in the film and nobody has the perfect body!” Harmony really wanted us to look like we drank all the time and we partied, cuz that’s what they did, and he didn’t want us to have perfect bodies.

JJJ: It sounds like that took off a lot of the pressure.
AB: Yeah, so when I got to set I was a lot more comfortable. I mean any time you’re in a bathing suit you’re always self-conscious, because people comment and you know, but Harmony made us all feel really comfortable. What was also great was that me, Vanessa, Selena, and Rachel were all really comfortable with each other and nobody was commenting or trying to get super skinny. It was just a good group of girls to be around. We were all like, “We don’t care if we’re not perfect, and we’re not perfect.” It was nice.

JJJ: Were you friends with any of the girls before you started filming?
AB: Me and Selena were friends and I’ve known Vanessa for a really long time, but we never hung out much and then I met Rachel on set. In the movie it seems like we’ve known each other for years and we all got a long so well and it was like the funniest thing I’ve ever filmed. I mean, how close we got, it was so cool.

JJJ: We heard some rumors that you’re interested in playing Anastasia in the movie version of Fifty Shades of Grey! Is that true?
AB: Yeah, you know I’ve read all the books and I think it’s amazing series. It would be very difficult to play that role (laughs). I’d have to read the script and see how it is, but it’s going to be an awesome movie. It might be a little too much, but I’d just have to see how the script was.

Read more here

Catherine Hardwicke's Erotic Thriller 'Plush' Finds Financing
IM Global's genre label Octane is putting up the money for the film, which stars Emily Browning, Xavier Samuel and Cam Gigandet.

Catherine Hardwicke began shooting her erotic thriller Plush in Los Angeles on Monday with a cast led by Emily Browning, Xavier Samuel and Cam Gigandet.

IM Global is financing the film through its genre label Octane. The company was already on board as international sales agent and sold the film to a number of foreign distributors during the Cannes Film Market in May.

Jason Blum (Paranormal Activity) is producing Plush, about a rising rock star who, after losing her bandmate and brother to a drug overdose, finds herself in a downwards spiral. After her second album proves a commerical disaster, she becomes involved with a replacement guitarist, and their relationship soon crosses the line sexually.
"We have a director and a producer with more than a billion dollars of box office under their belts and who have launched two of the most successful franchises of all time. Ally those credentials to a brilliantly twisting, erotic screenplay and a vibrant young cast, and we couldn't be more excited about the film's prospects," IM Global CEO Stuart Ford, who is executive producing the film alongside colleagues Steve Squillante and Michael Roban.

Octane's past credits include box office hits Paranormal Activity and Insidious. It has two genre films playing in the Midnight Madness Section of the upcoming Toronto International Film Festival: Rob Zombie's The Lords of Salem and Barry Levinson's The Bay.
CAA is handling domestic rights to Plush.



NC-17 films: Why they got the rating
by Noelene Clark and Nardine Saad

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