Friday, August 17, 2012

stars, sex and nudity buzz : 08/17/2012

Epix Sized Clips from Roger Corman's Attack of the 50 Foot Cheerleader

From legendary producer Roger Corman, the director of Dinoshark, and the screenwriter of Sharktopus comes Attack of the 50 Foot Cheerleader. The EPIX original movie is set to premiere on that network August 25th, and in anticipation of the premiere they’ve released a slew of video clips.

Former Georgia Teen USA 2007 Jena Sims stars as Cassie Stratford, an aspiring college cheerleader who consumes an experimental drug that grants her beauty and enough athletic ability to make the cheer squad. It also has a very unfortunate side effect that you should be able to ascertain from the film’s title.

Sean Young (Blade Runner) appears as Cassie’s mom, and Ted Raimi (“Xena: Warrior Princess”) plays a professor. Mary Woronov (Death Race 2000), Ryan Merriman (“Pretty Little Liars”), and Treat Williams (Deep Rising) also appear in this cheerily campy Corman creation.

EPIX has made available the film’s trailer and a half-dozen clips from the film in anticipation of the Saturday, August 25th, premiere date. As you’ll see, there are giant spiders in addition to the giant boobs. There’s also an evil giant cheerleader for our super-sized heroine to engage in giant-sized Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling action on the 50-yard line in front of a packed stadium. The only thing that appears to be missing from the film is an introduction by either Gilbert Gottfried or Rhonda Shear.

The channel that brings you big movies gets even bigger with their first EPIX Original Picture, Attack of the 50 Foot Cheerleader, premiering on August 25th at 10:00 pm ET.

* It's always nice to hear the soft Georgian accent - perhaps the most sexiest Southern drawl. Miss Sims epitomises it perfectly.

Epix Sized Clips from Roger Corman’s Attack of the 50 Foot Cheerleader
Epix Sized Clips from Roger Corman’s Attack of the 50 Foot Cheerleader
Epix Sized Clips from Roger Corman’s Attack of the 50 Foot Cheerleader
Epix Sized Clips from Roger Corman’s Attack of the 50 Foot Cheerleader
Epix Sized Clips from Roger Corman’s Attack of the 50 Foot Cheerleader

Chilling Realities, Beggaring Belief In 'Compliance'
See the raunchy 1st trailer for Robot Chicken's DC Comics special
This fall, the guys at Robot Chicken are set to give the same treatment to DC Comics that they gave to Star Wars: a full-on stop-motion special full of raunchy gags and parodies. Now the trailer for the special originally released at this year's San Diego Comic-Con has hit the net, and it doesn't disappoint.

Just as they sought George Lucas' approval for the Star Wars specials, Robot Chicken secured the cooperation of both Warner Bros. and DC Comics for this particular sci-fi parody adventure, and they even got DC's Chief Creative Officer (and Justice League, Green Lantern and Aquaman writer) to help out.

They also packed some serious star power into the special with a cast that features Neil Patrick Harris as Two-Face, Alfred Molina as Lex Luthor, Nathan Fillion as Green Lantern and Megan Fox as Lois Lane, along with Robot Chicken regulars Seth Green, Matt Senreich, Clare Grant, Breckin Meyer and more.

Check out the trailer below to see, among other things, Batman getting his back broken (again), Superman deflecting bullets from all over his body, Sinestro trying to shave and, of course, Aquaman getting pranked.

Bollywood star Amy Jackson sweet beauty queen 'bum'

Shia LaBeouf : 
The sex scenes in Nymphomaniac 'will be real'

SHIA LaBeouf has revealed he could be having sex for real in his latest movie venture.

The American actor has signed up to star in Lars von Trier's new erotic drama The Nymphomaniac, about a woman's sexual awakening.

And the 26-year-old Transformers star said: "There's a disclaimer at the top of the script that basically says we're doing it for real. Everything that is illegal, we'll shoot in blurred images. Other than that, everything is happening."

He added of controversial director von Trier: "He's very dangerous. He's the most dangerous dude I've ever showed up for. I'm terrified."

Shia will star alongside Nicole kidman, Willem Dafoe, Stellan Skarsgård and Charlotte Gainsbourg in the flick, which is due to begin filming in September. 

* That means Lars is still looking for another female performer to complete the cast or someone unknown already selected but yet to be listed in the credits. There is no way Shia is going to bang Kidman. Charlotte Gainsbourg? He will punch himself in the balls rather than do a sex scene with her. No we can expect a relative newcomer to share the bed with Shia......
Who the hell I'm kidding....of course Shia and Charlotte will be paired together.....nude....Charlotte the dry scarecrow.
I just want a far more attractive actress than Charlotte and far more accessible than Kidman to perform some of the nudity/sex scenes.

Exclusive: Philip Gardiner Talks the Exorcist Chronicles

Okay guys, I’m just going to throw this out there, but Phillip Gardiner’s upcoming U.K. exorcism flick, Exorcist Chronicles, sounds freakin’ bad-ass! They seem to be taking a different approach to the tried and tested formula and giving us simply one hell of a ride.

So recently I had the opportunity to ask Phillip Gardiner a couple of questions regarding his latest offering, Exorcist Chronicles and thankfully he has happy to oblige.
To give you guys a better taste of what’s to come, check out the official teaser trailer below the interview I had with Phillip Gardiner, and let us know if this is one that interests you?

Horror-Movies: How did you come about the project, and what drew you in?
Phillip Gariner: “The film came about through a discussion with Warren Croyle of Reality Films who had, with Joe Micallef, come up with a brief concept for a film about exorcisms and two different kinds of people who chased them down. It was intended for a series on the request of several folk I can’t talk about. Taking that brief, I thought about it and decided it was something I could get my teeth into and develop, especially as it was intended to be a pilot movie for a series. I could see how lots of the myths and folktales in the world could be written into the series and as a lover of X-Files, that interested me a lot.
Needless to say the film now has a lot of subplots built in ready for any possible future series, including secretive organizations, Knights Templar and Vatican intrigue. It’s a lot deeper than your average possession film.”

HM: Judging from some early photos, can we expect a lot of gore?
PG: “There’s just about everything we could throw at it to be honest. Some of the things we did were just disgusting and I have to take my hat off to the actresses who were simply not told before hand what we were going to do. When we had 750 insects on set the noise from the crickets and locusts kind of gave it away and started the gut wrenching, especially when she discovered what we were going to do with them and her. Lots of blood, lots of bruises and a lot of stunts. You really do have to admire these actors, they all did their own stunts and hey all came away looking like they’d been in a war zone. By the end of the shoot they were even starting to second guess me with “oh, Phil, I suppose you want us to jump in the lake again now…”

HM: What is different about the Exorcist Chronicles compared to many other exorcism themed films? PG: “From the ones I’ve seen, almost everything. This isn’t about one girl, this is about thousands of them across the world. It isn’t even a normal “possession”. We had to teach the girls what we meant so they could recreate the vision. It’s more of the body and mind being taken over from within by an alien invader. It searches and tests, it wants to know all about this new body it has inhabited. But the existing mind wants to expel it. We certainly had a few laughs.”

HM: For someone who may not have heard of the project, what can they expect?
PG: “A very British film. Very bizarre. I don’t tell people what is happening, I want them to enjoy the process of trying to work it out. I also include symbols within the film that tell the tale. These can be cleverly placed objects, numbers, dates or even music and dialogue. It’s like a mystery. I suppose that comes from my background in writing books on the occult. Don’t expect Nightmare on Elm Street or Drag Me to Hell, instead, expect something very different to what you are used to. I’m not a lover of slasher films or gore just for the sake of it.
I prefer to paint to the spaces and let the imagination work, it’s much more powerful than a visual image. But, this film never stops, it’s a roller coaster and I hope people enjoy the ride and don’t want to get off!”

HM: How was casting for the film? It looks like it was quite an intense set?
PG: “Casting was a nightmare to be honest. Thanks to my Producer, Michelle Gent, it went smoothly, but choosing the right people out of so many was difficult because I want to give everybody a shot! In the end it had to come down to the acting ability and not looks or availability and I believe we have a fantastic bunch in Exorcist Chronicles.”

HM: What does the future hold past the ‘Exorcist Chronicles’? Any other films or horror related projects in the pipeline?
PG: “Here’s the plan. Before any final decisions are made myself, the studio and distributors will look at the final product. Then, depending on what we feel, we’ll decide on whether there is a theatrical release before going DVD, TV and VoD. It may be that we’ll hold off release and go to festivals. It may be that we’ll have a limited theatrical release. I just don’t know right now. But it will be released and widely. Then, again depending on what we feel, we’ll push for the TV series that it was made for.
When we’ve finished the edit for Exorcist Chronicles we have a ghost film to make and I’m hoping that some of the same actors from Exorcist will be involved because I’d love to work with them again.”

For more information, hit up their official website.
Exclusive: Philip Gardiner Talks the Exorcist Chronicles

Topless woman: 'Double standard' in our culture
by Dan Schenek

Moira Johnston is making big news in the Big Apple.  She proudly walks around New York City without a shirt or bra.

There’s a little-known state law that permits women to be topless anywhere men can do the same. The law has been in effect since the 1992 case of People v. Ramona Santorelli and Mary Lou Schloss where two women argued what defines ‘private or intimate parts’ in regards to breasts.  The ruling went in their favor.

Johnston told HLN’s Dr. Drew Thursday night that there is double standard between men and women in our culture concerning our bodies.

“I understand that it's not as socially acceptable and there are safety issues involved. … [but] I would like women to feel empowered … about their own bodies and go topless whenever they feel comfortable in their own social context in their own communities,” she said.

Although the 29-year-old says she is an advocate for women who choose to use their breasts in a sexual manner after revealing she works as a topless dancer, the Philadelphia native also advocates for women “being able to bear her breasts in situations that are not sexual and not commercial.”

“I am confident about my body and I was confident before I started the job, but yeah, of course, it reinforces the notion that I'm comfortable with people seeing my body in spaces such as public spaces,” she said.

Recognizing that many people don't know that going topless is legal in New York, she noted her one and only arrest earlier this spring in Union Square for not covering up -- but insists -- she's simply trying to promote equality for all women.

Privately owned institutions can still make their own rules as long as their policies apply to all people, being non-discriminative against race or sex.

UIC Study Examines Views Toward College Students Who ‘Hook Up’
Reporting Bernie Tafoya

CHICAGO (CBS) — College student “hook-ups” are the subject of the latest study from researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

Yes, those kinds of hook-ups.

As WBBM Newsradio’s Bernie Tafoya reports, there was a time when a young woman who slept with a lot of men was looked down upon, but the men with whom she hooked up were not.

Such attitudes are still around, but according to UIC researcher, they are not as prevalent as they once were. Now, she says college students look at hooking up for casual sex the same for women and men.

“In our study, 75 percent of students overall held men and women to the same sexual standards,” Allison said.

The study relied upon a sample of 19,000 students from the 2011 Online College Social Life survey, which includes 22 colleges. They were asked if they agreed with the statement, “If (wo)men hook up or have sex with lots of people, I respect them less.”

Of those surveyed, 48 percent judged in a negative way people who hooked up frequently, while 27 percent did not lose any respect for men or women who bed-hop. About 12 percent said they lost respect for women who hooked up frequently, but not men, and about 13 percent held the opposite view with respect to gender.

Women were more likely than men to judge both sexes negatively for hooking up frequently, with about 54 percent of women reporting that view, and more than 35 percent of men.

The study also found that men who belonged to fraternities or played on sports teams were more likely to evaluate women, but not men, in a negative fashion for hooking up.

The study also examined religion. Buddhist, Jewish, and non-affiliated students were less likely than Roman Catholics to judge people negatively for hooking up, while women who identified as evangelical or fundamentalist Christians were 76 percent more likely than Catholic women to view hooking up negatively.

In addition, the study found that gay or bisexual men and women were less likely than heterosexual students to lose respect for people for casual sexual activity. The geographic placement of the college also played a role – West Coast colleges tended more liberal in their views, Midwest colleges more conservative, and East Coast colleges somewhere in between.

Allison, a doctoral student, says the average number of hookups college students report is about two.

And as anyone who has spent time on a college campus knows, hookups do not always happen at frat parties or other social events where the cheap beer is flowing freely. At the University of Chicago – an institution known far more for its academic rigor than its social life – students set up a Web site to enable students to find each other for casual sex.

The site, originally called, urged students to spice things up on a campus that was described by the site’s founders as socially “repressed.” It was later renamed and expanded to Northwestern University in Evanston and Columbia College in Chicago.


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