Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Abunai 2012 - Part 1


I'm back finally with loads of things I wanna show you. I've been absent for a while. 

I have been posting about Abunai ever since I was wondering which cosplay I should wear. Now I will show you a lot of footage from that weekend. After showing you all that I will talk about the good and less good things about Abunai in my opinion. This will be my first post about it. The second post will be uploaded soon enough. 

First thing first, THE VIDEO:

I will also upload the second part of it when it is done. Comment, rate and subscribe please ^^!

It's a long-ass video btw, so take your time to watch it. 

I stayed there for one night. Saterday, me and my bf arrived at Abunai and Sunday afternoon we left. Abunai was open from Friday 'til Sunday. So actually you could stay at the hotel for 2 nights! 

I must say it is very clever to organize such an event in a big hotel/complex like that. The whole hotel was booked full by cosplayers or people who came to visit Abunai. People who checked in on Sunday probably were shocked when they saw all those people dressed like anime characters. 

My main goal was to score a lot of cool things in the dealer room. My second goal was getting noticed by people there, hehehehe. I don't know for sure, but I never have seen a Miss Fortune cosplay here in Holland. Maybe there were but I haven't seen them yet! I read on the "Abunai aftertalk" forum that people are planning to cosplay her. I'm very curious of the outcome of it! Because it isn't an easy task.

This is a picture of me cosplaying Miss Fortune:

From far away my cosplay outfit looks pretty good. But to tell you the truth it wasn't that perfect. I didn't have a sewing-machine. I made everything by hand and did not even use a ruler or any kind of thing that measures. I'M A SUPER NOOB. Yes. 

On the other hand I was proud of myself when I finished my outfit ^__^. Except for my Neliel cosplay outfit I never made one by hand. Not that I have cosplayed that much (I'm tending on cosplaying more in za future.). This was my fifth time. I went to Chibicon 3 times, one time to Tsunacon and this was my first time at Abunai.

This is a random picture I found of myself on the internet:

Thank you for this picture! If you made this please tell me, so I can give the credits to you :). 

I have more pictures I want to show you. Some of them not yet, because I want to get them photoshopped. Just to make them pop out more! Hehe, enhance some features and the colors. I will post them too.

Here are some of the random pictures of that day:

Fixing my hat.


Yarimashita ^__^!

Now pose! *_*

And we were off to explore the convention.

Super smile :D.

OMG. That girl in the middle, she was so cute <3 Ahri also from League of legends!

I will show you in my second post what I bought at Abunai. I surprised myself that I didn't bought as much as I thought I would. Mehhhh, it's better for my wallet tho.

A stupid thing was that my skin was HORRIBLE and when I say HORRIBLE, it was indeed very HORRIBLE....

I don't know what the problem was, but precisely that weekend my face was on it's worst. I'm allergic to the sun so I get rashes only on my arms. For the first time in all my life I got it on my face, back, stomach, cleavage, and legs -_-..... Not that it was very noticeable, but on my face it unfortunately was :(. 

I wanted to cover it up with make up. BAD CHOICE! My face only got worse. The second day I looked like an old lady. Gladly I learned a lesson out of it. From now on I will look very carefully what I put on my face. I'm going to do a lot of research on foundations and stuff. Also on day and night cremes. 

And when your skin is damaged, minimize or don't put make up on at all. It will only make it worse. I'm talking out of experience. Now my skin is regenerating and I'm hardly putting on foundations. 

Oke, oke enough about my skin hehe. It luckily doesn't show in pictures. 

Oeh, I found this picture also btw:

She was cute. Really like her outfit.

Now that was all for my first post. More to come in the second one! Thanks for reading and hope to see you soon :).

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